New Anti-Critical Race Theory Bill Could Give America ‘True Freedom’

Our patriot leaders continue to fight against the ruthless indoctrination of Critical Race Theory in American school systems. They’re doing everything in their power to prevent the next generation of children from being brainwashed by these leftist ideas…

Critical Race Theory is an academic movement that seeks to examine the issue of “race.” It challenges mainstream approaches to “racial justice.”

It argues that any disparity between white and black people can be put down to “racism.” Teaching this in school will only continue the cycle of hate and inequality, affecting the children for the long term.

A 38-second video from Michael D. Cisneros went viral online. It showed a black and white toddlers… playing and treating each other as equals. 

It gives us an idea of how the world would look without Critical Race Theory. 

Banning this from schools will maintain the purity of our children in the next generation…

Republican New York lawmaker Colin Schmitt introduced a bill banning CRT in schools. He believes that teaching this to kids is an “un-American” concept… and it indoctrinates school-aged children against the American dream.

Schmitt shared his thoughts about the Anti-CRT bill. He said, “CRT fundamentally seeks to destroy our laws, systems, and institutions that have created the America we know, the America where anyone can achieve anything. It rewrites history and provides false history and false narrative on our most impressionable youth.”

Republican Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed the Anti-CRT bill in the state a few months ago. Texas is one of the first states to ban the teaching of CRT in K-12 public school classrooms.

He bravely implemented the Anti-CRT bill despite the opposition from dems. Abbott was never afraid to do what was right.

Arizona Governor Doug Ducey also signed legislation last July to ban teaching CRT in the state. This was his first step towards “prohibit[ing] the concerning practice of critical race theory.”

He said, “When I took office, I vowed to use taxpayer dollars responsibly, and funding training on political commentary… is not responsible spending. I am not going to waste public dollars on lessons that imply the superiority of any race and hinder free speech.”

Then he added, “[This] goes a long way towards protecting Arizonans against divisive and regressive lessons. Here in Arizona, we’re going to continue to be leaders on civics education and teach important lessons about our nation’s history.”

Several other states passed the Anti-Critical Race Theory bill including:  

  • Idaho
  • Tennessee
  • Iowa
  • New Hampshire
  • South Carolina

The patriot leaders in these states are doing a great job preventing the toxicity of the CRT. 

However, despite our patriots’ efforts, many liberals and educators still teach CRT in schools. Until now, they can’t see the terror of adding this topic to the students’ syllabus. 

Our patriot leaders should continue to fight for the next generation…

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20 Thoughts to “New Anti-Critical Race Theory Bill Could Give America ‘True Freedom’”

  1. martin smith lll

    Critical Race Theory is racist! That pos soetoro and his wife are racist and for crt!!

  2. Kevin

    This CRT garbage should be banned in every school in America. And if the district doesn’t ban the practice. “That district should have all government funding cut off and teachers unions should be prosecuted and or fired……….PERIOD!!!!!

  3. William Santo

    Lord, help and heal your people!!


    Blacks are the real racist.

  5. D C

    Oh ! The Only Race Bait around the World and the Country are the One and Only DERANGED and DEPLORABLE are In the DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST WHITE PARTY. Lol !

  6. D C

    Oh ! The Only Race Baiters around the World and the Country are the One and Only DERANGED and DEPLORABLE that are In the DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST WHITE PARTY. Lol !

  7. Gisel

    No One needs any more brain washing! Look at the world abs the state it’s in! Brainwashed to comply to government mandates based on schemes and lies! We need to be a free people! Stop Critical Theory Racist indoctrination and stop Medical Tyranny! Stop The Radical Left!
    stop the Corrupt Biden Dictatorship! ! Free our children, free our country!

  8. Michael Langer

    God Bless America we are all the same the Democrats are trying too us against each other. Thanks to a few we we’ll make it

  9. Dentan

    Learn to punctuate correctly. “It’s” = it is. Its = belonging to it.

  10. D Martin

    I guess the ugly truths of the past are racist, huh! This whole Critical Race bruha is good reason to understand the real history of things. If we could but learn from history…………………. Stop being played & manipulated by your fears & prejudices. “They” the right wing pundits & politicians, who are in it only for them selves, love racial fear, hatred & division. It is how they keep on top, they keep us all divided. White politicians only care about equality when it is beneficial them, & more often than NOT it isn’t. When the people of the world true “awaken” & unite against the “few” that rape &pillage the planet , send our children out to war for there own profit & keeps million in poverty, are the real enemy of true patriots & free peoples.

  11. Don

    CRT is a communist pile of manure to brainwash our children and reached false history that lying A-hole communist propaganda as they did with Adolf Hitler in the 1940s.then and now millions of people will die because of the CRT manure of the communist demo asses in congress and the BLM/Antifa the brown shirts of the Joey (Hitler) Biden and his SS Gapsto in congress. They refuse to learn now History is repeating itself under those A-hole damn so-call president and SS in Washington dc.

  12. Bob Page

    CRT is an acronym for “Child Racist Training”. After all we have achieved in the world of race and passing laws to ensure that everybody is and will be treated according to the content of their character apparently is too much for the left to deal with.

  13. Fred LeMaster

    That very racist couple The Soros’s and The Communistic Socialistic Progressive Liberal Democratic Donkey Party And Their WOKE Indoctrinated RINO Puppets, Who Say They Will Continue What The True Conservative Republicans Promise, Well, Well, Well, their LIES Is That As Soon As They Win And Start Their Term As Either A Representative Or A Senator, These Lefty Puppets Throw Out All Of Their DC Windows All Of Those Promises That They Made During Their FAKE Conservative Republican Races, But As Soon As They Do This, They Truly Cannot Even Make Their Minds Up IF They Will Follow Those Anti-American Progressives Or Those Anti-American Liberals = The American Traitors That They Are, They Will Continue Going On To Destroy The USA From Within, And Keep On Getting Infamously Filthy Rich By Turning A Blind Eye And Play Like That Hogan’s Heroes Character Sargent Schultz, By Stuffing Their Ears With Cotton Balls, And Say That IGNORANT Saying “I Do NOT Hear Nothing, I Do NOT See Nothing And I Do NOT Know Nothing, Concerning The Whole US Constitution, Which Definitely IGNORING = CIRCUMNAVIGATING = CIRCUMVENTING The Last Part, Which Is The 7/27/1993 AD Version Of The US Immigration And Naturalization Act’s Rules And Regulation’s, By STEALING We The Legal Citizens/People And Legal Immigrants Of The USA’s Hard Earned Tax Dollars, Then ILLEGALLY GIVING THOSE HARD EARNED TAX DOLLARS TO ALL OF THOSE ILLEGAL FOREIGN ALIENS, ACTING LIKE A BUNCH OF ANTI-US CONSTITUTIONAL ROBINHOODLUMS, WHICH IS ILLEGAL INSIDE THE USA’S VERY OWN BOUNDARIES!!!

  14. Fred LeMaster

    The Communistic Socialistic Progressive Liberal Democratic Donkey Party And Their RINO Puppets + CRT = Anti-American/Anti-US Constitution And ILLEGAL!!!

  15. russell remmert

    anyone having this garbage taught should be arrested

  16. Omega 2


  17. Pam

    Racist is taught by there parents, and relatives. No one wants that. Look around the schools. There kids, they only know what they see and live with.

  18. Dennis Bishop

    CRT is B.S. plain and simple and every parent that has children in schools that teach CRT should pull those children out of schools and deduct a portion of they’re local taxes to teach the children the correct way. They pay for they’re children’s education and should have a say in how they’re children are taught!!!

  19. John Decker

    The smart thing to do would be to allow all the illegals to stay, and toss the Dems out of the country. The immigrants are at least trying to better themselves, but the Dems want to turn the U.S. into another Communist shithole. So far, it looks like they’re successful. The first move should be to dump Biden with either the 25th Amendment or impeachment, or both at the same time. Seventy five years ago I was born in the U.S.A., the best country in the world. Due to the Dems, it’s now among the worst. We need to do whatever it takes to get the Dems out of our government, or the U.S. will be nothing but a memory.

  20. […] hearing. GOP lawmakers accused the Biden administration of using the funds… to promote critical race theory and other left-wing ideas in schools. They argued that this was a misuse of taxpayer money… […]

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