Obama’s Autobiography Reveals His Contempt for Americans

He’s back at it again. Apparently not satisfied with having two autobiographies and however many TV shows, Barack Obama has written another two books about his presidency.

Even more so than his first books, his latest piece shows just how warped Obama’s priorities are – and why he achieved so little despite being the single most powerful man in the world.

You’ve probably seen some quotes flying around. If you watch mainstream media, you’ll just have seen the self-congratulatory nothings Obama loves – and none of the dangerous, terrifying lines.

The thing is, Obama’s book is all about the kind of person he is – a self-obsessed loser who pretends to be whatever people want to see.

That shouldn’t surprise you if you remember 2008. Obama swept to power by promising ‘hope and change’, and then instantly turned his back on the idea of making anything better. Billions to the dem-supporting bankers, nothing to help out the millions of average Americans whose homes were taken by those very same bankers.

However, you might be shocked by just how obvious Obama’s duplicity was, right from the start.

Across an impressively pathetic few pages, Obama talks about his desperate attempts to impress women: 

“it’s embarrassing to recognize the degree to which my intellectual curiosity those first two years of college parallelled the interests of various women I was attempting to get to know”

Leaving out how overwritten a sentence that is, the problem is obvious – just about every single part of what Obama did was about pretending to be something else. Pretending to be a Marxist to impress one woman, claiming to be a serious psychologist to impress another.

The women realized just how fake Obama was – if only America had done the same.

In some ways, the most terrifying thing is just how little self-awareness Obama shows…

He actually seems to have convinced himself that being President meant nothing at all: 

“in the most powerful office on earth, I had less freedom to say what I meant and act on what I felt than I’d had as a senator — or as an ordinary citizen”.

Can you imagine the kind of person who would write that after seeing President Trump in action? 

How could you possibly see a President who says and does exactly what he thinks is right, and then still claim that you had no power? 

Quite honestly, if I was Obama, I’d be horrified to realize that I wasted the most important 8 years of my life – I’d at least apologize for it.

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