Our ‘President’ is so Easily Manipulated…

Joe Biden embarrasses America with his ‘dementia babble’ as he talked with Vladimir Putin on the world stage in the Geneva Summit this past June.

What was supposed to be one of the most important days of the year turned out to be a major embarassment for Americans everywhere…

Putin spoke after the three-hour summit and praised Biden unexpectedly. It might seem like he is joining sides with the Biden Administration, but everything he’s said until now has been part of a larger calculated move. 

Every word that came from Putin’s mouth was just “sarcasm.” Putin’s smirking grin was saying, “I’m going to have fun with this puppet.”

The Russian president’s “positive remarks” were striking because their country had portrayed Biden as mentally unstable months ago during the presidential campaign.

And earlier before the Geneva Summit, Biden called Putin a “killer” during an interview. This disrespectful statement from Biden made the Russians furious. 

In the aftermath of the summit, Putin shared his thoughts about Biden. He said,” Mr. Biden is a professional, and you need to be very careful when working with him so as not to miss something. He himself does not miss a thing, I assure you, and this was absolutely clear to me.”

“Let me say it again: he is focused, he knows what he wants to achieve and does it very skilfully, and you can instantly sense it.” the Russian President added.

All of Putin’s statements are the complete opposite of the way Biden actually acts…

We are all aware of the problems with Biden’s clarity, memory, irritability, orientation, and judgment. 

He calls Kamala Harris, President Harris. He mistakes Putin for President Trump. He loses his cool in some of his interviews…

Biden and Putin seem nice to each other’s faces. But in reality, they both have hidden agendas.

There’s speculation that other nations are starting to feel like they can walk all over America, especially now that we are under Biden’s weak leadership.

Are we losing our “American Pride” right now? Our country is now slipping from its power seat essentially… Once a strong leading nation, America is losing its edge.

There’s a huge chance that Putin is playing mind games with his sarcastic comments. 

Does Biden have too much of “Putin” on his mind… to the point that he’s lost focus on national affairs altogether?

This shows that Biden doesn’t have the mental capacity to lead the greatest nation on Earth. America is under the tutelage of a man who is clearly not suited for the job.

The mainstream media is just like Biden. They have no clue what they are talking about – no wonder they’ll keep defending him.

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7 Thoughts to “Our ‘President’ is so Easily Manipulated…”

  1. JoeyP

    LOSING it’s EDGE?!? . . . It’s as DULL as a WORN out BUTTERKNIFE! We’re the JOKE of the TOWN because of a FRAUDULENT Election – WORLD WIDE. One Enlightened Patriot. Team Trump And His Allies 2020 – MAGA (WE’RE NOT going away!).

  2. Virginia

    Biden is a stupid dumbass that needs to be removed from our country altogether and take the rest of the democratics with him. Such a loser


    Biden is in advanced Dementia decline and is not mentally competent to lead America. His bumbling, stumbling performances are seen as direct evidence that he is mentally unfit to lead America. Biden’s incompetence can be seen on Saturday Night Live as he is featured comedy material.Biden should be removed from office or impeached as he is mentally impaired.

  4. Wyatt Earp

    Jill Biden can keep given Joe a steroid shot to stay on his feet! It the only way he able to walk around making a fool out of himself! And she keeps bragging she the first (stolen) lady. Even our enemies know as Biden weakness this country. They will be able to ATTACK IT! Hope the first place is on the west coast of Oregon!

  5. martin smith lll

    We have a moron in the w.h. and he’s being manipulated by soetoro!

  6. Marie

    Biden and his administration are the dumb and stupid mental midgets that no on should be afflicted with in this day and age. They lie every time they open their mouths, they are useless as far as leadership and taxpayers are paying for this incompetent train wreck! Impeach this idiot! and get rid of his administration.

  7. moon

    a dog always runs after a used bone when you tell him.

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