Revealed: How Jeff Bezos Corrupted the Media

What happens when one of the world’s richest men decides to start buying the media? It means they start doing exactly what he tells them. Here’s how Jeff Bezos took over some of America’s biggest papers – just to make himself look better. When Amazon multi-billionaire Jeff Bezos bought the ultra-liberal Washington Post back in 2013, it was already obvious that the purchase was all about his ego… Here’s just a few quotes from the most brown-nosing piece I’ve read this year: “Some of his private investments, such as his…

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Bin Laden: “Make Biden Take Over”

What does it say when the most dedicated anti-American imaginable says they want someone to be president? It’s yet another question Biden’s misled supporters NEED to answer, as a shocking message from the past spells out exactly how Osama Bin Laden thought about Joe Biden. Here’s how he planned revenge on America: It’s hard to claim that any man has ever been more anti-America than Osama Bin Laden. The Al-Qaeda mastermind wasn’t just behind 9/11, didn’t just rejoice whenever a terrorist attack rocked America…  He had a plan to make…

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Confirmed? Joe Biden Sundowning

Did the dems know just how bad Joe Biden’s mental abilities were when they pushed to nominate him for the presidency? According to a shocking new book, high-level dem operatives did everything to hide just how badly Biden’s mind had deteriorated… Here’s what the dems were desperate to conceal: Ever heard of “sundowning”?  It’s a symptom of a lot of the mental issues that come with getting older, and it means that people act stranger, have more trouble thinking, as the day rolls on. A person might act one way…

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Collapse: Another Slip for Biden

No, this isn’t a rerun.  Just over a week after embarrassingly collapsing on the stairs to Air Force One, Biden’s at it again, slipping as he tried to get into the presidential plane. This time, even Biden’s most die-hard supporters have to admit there’s something wrong, right? When Biden tripped, slipped and fell on his way into Air Force One, his defenders said it was the kind of thing that could happen to anyone… Then it happened again. Just days ago, Joe Biden tried to climb the stairs into Air…

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Biden’s Latest Secret War Revealed

The mainstream media still wants to pretend that Joe Biden is a peaceful man, despite him being the inspiration for any number of Obama’s pointless conflicts. Apparently not content with just dragging the Afghanistan war out for years, Biden’s getting ready to start another war… While the media pretends nothing’s happening. Here’s the real story about how the dems are getting ready for war in Mozambique.  It always starts with the “special advisors”. Remember Vietnam? In 1961, they sent in just a few special military advisors… and then just a…

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