Biden’s Latest Collapse: The Facts

It’s hardly news at this point that Joe Biden is in awful shape, and that the media doesn’t want you to know it… But when he collapsed THREE times while climbing the stairs to Air Force 1 this weekend, the charade got even more ridiculous. How much longer are the dems and their allies in the liberal media going to keep pretending that Biden’s fit for the challenge? This weekend, Joe Biden went a step too far… The steps leading into Air Force 1, that is. When climbing into the…

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Biden’s Dogs Savage Secret Service

When the Biden family adopted two dogs just before moving into the White House, the cynicism was obvious. Adopting a dog is, of course, a classic way for politicians to avoid criticism… But Biden couldn’t even manage that.  When the media whined about President Trump not adopting a dog, or any kind of pet, they really just showed how much of a sham the whole thing is… When you take on the most stressful, most important job in the world, the last thing on your mind should be adopting a…

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Cuomo Demands Free Ride

In barely a week, New York governor Andrew Cuomo has gone from dem icon to pariah, with an ever-growing list of sexual assault accusations, and just about everyone under the sun telling him to resign. In a shameless act of hypocrisy, Cuomo’s now demanding that he get treatment he denied President Trump… here’s the facts: When seven people accuse someone of sexual assault, there’s a certain phrase that comes to mind… “There’s no smoke without fire”. The accusations against NY governor Andrew Cuomo just keep getting worse and worse practically…

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Biden Forgets AGAIN

Shouldn’t a President be able to remember the people he’s appointed to high-level positions? According to dems, the fact that Joe Biden can’t even remember his Defense Secretary’s name isn’t a problem… it’s not even worth mentioning. Here’s the truth about Biden’s latest mental collapse… and why it’s even worse than it sounds: Everyone except the most credulous dems knows that Joe Biden’s memory is barely working these days. There’s a reason Obama begged him not to run for President, after all…  Obama knew exactly how embarrassing it was going…

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Media Silent as Biden Approval Rating Collapses

It’s no secret that the mainstream media wants to convince you that Biden is the best thing since sliced bread. But the public isn’t buying it.  In fact, he looks set to be one of the least popular dem presidents of all time… here’s what the facts say: If you trusted what the papers said about Joe Biden, you’d expect his approval ratings to be sky high.  When the media tries to convince you to support Biden by pretending the little good he does is unprecedentedly effective, that the bad…

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