Nepotism Strikes Again – Hunter Biden Plans Book

Despite the ongoing investigation into his taxes, and his vast array of ‘key board positions’ in any number of companies, Hunter Biden seems to have nothing but free time on his hands. In fact, he’s getting ready to publish his first book – to the cheers of the liberal media… Here’s why Biden’s book says so much about the media’s softball approach to dems. After spending his father’s entire presidential campaign hiding away from the media, now that he’s seen the chance to make money off his father’s name, Hunter…

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Super Bowl: The Brady Effect

The mainstream media wrote off Tom Brady after he left the Patriots – this weekend, he’s ready to prove them all wrong… Whether or not you’re behind the Buccaneers this weekend, there’s very little doubt that Brady is the biggest American patriot in the league. Here’s why: No matter who you’re supporting in the Super Bowl tomorrow, there’s one name that’s come up in every single talk about the game… Tom Brady.  Despite his history-making series of Super Bowl wins for the Patriots, many were quick to write off Brady…

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Liberals Silent About Dem Hypocrisy

All the way up to the election, liberals were very vocal about everything they hated about the Trump administration… Now they’re not so talkative. Here’s some of the most obvious things liberals seem to have forgotten in just a few weeks: Take your pick of the protests from the last 4 years. Chances are, whatever it was about, the problem hasn’t gone away in the last two weeks… but the protestors have. In fact, liberal protestors have been almost completely silent about Joe Biden continuing the very same processes that…

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Why Democrats Do Nothing

Right up until the inauguration, dems kept boasting about what they’d accomplish on Day 1 of the Biden administration… 2 weeks on, those promises are looking more embarrassing than ever. What makes dems achieve so little? Here’s the facts… If you listened to the dems in the run-up to the election, you’d have heard them make any number of promises about what they’d be doing as soon as they took power. According to Biden, he planned to make a shocking number of changes on day 1 of his presidency: stopping…

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How Dems Profit from Their Agenda

When Joe Biden announced plans to invest big in electric vehicles, environmentalists celebrated… So did Nancy Pelosi – for a very different reason. Pelosi, and many other dems, stands to unfairly make millions because of Biden’s strategy… here’s how. Back in December, dem Speaker Nancy Pelosi invested about $1 million in overpriced Tesla stock, as the latest addition to her unacceptably vast stock portfolio.  This Monday, when Biden announced that he’d be converting the Federal fleet to an all-electric setup, that same stock soared, bringing investors like Pelosi vast, immediate…

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