Democrat Civil War

Great news for patriots – the democrat party gets ready to tear itself apart.  From the outside, Nancy Pelosi’s re-election as speaker may seem like a triumph for dem unity. The truth is very different… It shows just how close the dems are to outright collapse. Just a few days ago, the liberal media claimed triumph, as dem senators, notably including the left-wing ‘squad’, voted to confirm Pelosi for yet another term as speaker for the House of Representatives.  You might think that shows a more united democrat party than…

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The Georgia Election is More Important than You Think

In just a few hours, we’ll be seeing the early results from the Georgia senate runoff, the first post-election senate race – and potentially one of the most crucial political events of 2021… As two Republican senators face down their dem opponents, today’s election could change it all. And even though the polling may not look positive, there may not be a reason to panic. Here’s why… According to the latest polls, Senators Perdue and Loeffler might be facing a very tough fight today. Even now, practically no pollster is…

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Clinton/Epstein – The Latest Revelation

If you listen to the mainstream media, you’ll have heard a lot about mysteriously-deceased sex criminal Jeffrey Epstein – but practically nothing about the others involved in Epstein’s international ring… In fact, if you’ve heard anything at all about Bill Clinton and Epstein, it’s probably just been the media covering for him, pretending that he wasn’t involved at all.  Now, one of Clinton’s former allies is ready to tell the whole truth about the Clinton/Epstein connection… Since Jeffrey Epstein’s arrest and suspicious death just over a year ago, information has…

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Trump Goes RINO Hunting

With friends like these, who needs enemies?  Tragically, that’s really how it is for President Trump. He’s being betrayed by people he thought he could count on, who’ve decided that lining their pockets is more important than the Republican values they claim to count on… That’s nothing new for Trump – but this time, he’s ready to fight back against the RINOs. It’s a tragic fact that almost any kind of popular political organization ends up filled with people who care more about their wallets than they do about anything…

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What to Expect in 2021

Ready for the new year? I think most of us are. It’s been a bad year for just about everyone and everything… but is 2021 really going to look any better? Here’s what you can expect over the next 12 months – and everything you need to prepare for… In just a few days, the first major political contest of 2021 comes to an end. With both of Georgia’s senate seats still up for election, the balance of power across America could drastically shift on January 5th… It’s still far…

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