What to Expect in 2021

Ready for the new year?

I think most of us are. It’s been a bad year for just about everyone and everything… but is 2021 really going to look any better?

Here’s what you can expect over the next 12 months – and everything you need to prepare for…

In just a few days, the first major political contest of 2021 comes to an end. With both of Georgia’s senate seats still up for election, the balance of power across America could drastically shift on January 5th…

It’s still far too early to call the race… no way to trust the pollsters about what’s actually happening there. In a couple of days, we’ll be taking a deep dive into what’s actually happening in Georgia.  

Of course, just 2 weeks after that, we’ll get the answer to the biggest political question of the modern age… what are the courts going to say about the election?

There’s really no way to know how everything’s going to turn out just yet. There’s no way we’re going to have an answer this year, but we can hope for news early on in 2021.

Whatever happens, there’s some things we can be sure of.

If Joe Biden takes power in January, you already know most of what’s going to happen – and why there’s so little room for optimism. 

There’s a couple of things you might not know, though… 

Economically, it’s worth remembering what happened to stocks just a few months ago. Crashing by a third because of the pandemic, the market looked doomed – until President Trump stepped in, completely reversing the fall…

That’s a step Biden is both unable and unwilling to take. The next time the market crashes, it’s not going to be fixed overnight – not by a long shot. 

It’s not just the economy that’ll be affected in that way, of course… Does anyone really think Biden has what it takes to fight corruption? 

While 2021 under Biden might be a write-off, it’s not all negative. Just look forward to 2022. The second that dem voters realize just how much of a fake Biden is, they’re going to turn against him. Expect a complete landslide in the midterms.

And what if the courts side with President Trump? 

Expect a completely different future. The only reason that we have a vaccine for COVID is because of President Trump’s Warp Speed program – expect distribution to vastly speed up in a very short time. 

That’s not all, of course. Now that Trump’s enemies are coming back into the spotlight, he’s going to be far more able to cut out the people who’ve held him back, get rid of the RINOs standing against him, continue draining the swamp, and make a genuine change for the American people.

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