Recounts Should be Automatic

Remember the last time you had to count something important? No matter what it was, there’s one thing I can say for sure – you counted it at least twice.  No one quite trusts themselves the first time they count something. We recount it, no matter what it is… So why don’t we do the same for our elections? Despite what the media wants you to believe, this is far from the first election where someone’s asked for a recount… If you’ve got a longer memory than the average liberal,…

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We Told You So – Hunter Biden Under OFFICIAL Investigation

Unlike the mass media, we don’t ignore corruption – we’ve been telling you for weeks about Hunter Biden’s obvious connections to mysterious foreign interests. Now, the media can no longer deny it – Biden is being investigated for tax fraud, while insiders say that the Justice Department is rapidly closing in on Biden for far more severe crimes… It’s hardly surprising that Biden is under investigation – there’s so much evidence against him that it can’t just be swept under the rug (despite the media’s best efforts). Late on Wednesday,…

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Obama’s Autobiography Reveals His Contempt for Americans

He’s back at it again. Apparently not satisfied with having two autobiographies and however many TV shows, Barack Obama has written another two books about his presidency. Even more so than his first books, his latest piece shows just how warped Obama’s priorities are – and why he achieved so little despite being the single most powerful man in the world. You’ve probably seen some quotes flying around. If you watch mainstream media, you’ll just have seen the self-congratulatory nothings Obama loves – and none of the dangerous, terrifying lines.…

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Biden’s Latest Injury Shows He’s Not Fit for Presidency

Remember how the media spent the last 4 years screaming about President Trump’s health (despite his clean bill of health)? If you expected consistency, you’d be pretty surprised at how they’ve completely avoided talking about Biden’s health – even as his body practically falls apart in front of our eyes… Of course, no one’s really expecting the media to be honest, but it’s almost impressive just how obvious the hypocrisy is, especially when you look into the full facts about Biden’s latest health crisis. You’ve probably seen Biden wrapped up…

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Anti-Trump Attorney Now Defends Child Slavery

Ever heard of Neal Katyal?  Once one of the Obama administration’s top lawyers, Katyal is known for his tirades against President Trump, including a book where he demanded the President’s impeachment. This week, Katyal showed his true colors, showing the horrific hypocrisy of anti-Trump liberals: he’s demanding that the Supreme Court turn a blind eye to child slavery. The story’s even worse than that sounds… Recently, Katyal took the stand in the Supreme Court, arguing that his clients did nothing wrong when they profited from children being enslaved, and that…

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