The Time Has Come To Make Twitter Great Again

Billionaire entrepreneur and innovator Elon Musk might have just opened a new chapter in the history of the internet… with his recent Twitter policies. These changes led many left users to flee to the social media platform called Mastodon. The platform uses an open and accessible social media protocol, ActivityPub.  The shift from Twitter to Mastodon could be an epoch-making digital revolution. It may be comparable with the invention of the web itself. Musk Expects Twitter to Be Cash-Flow Break Even in 2023 Musk previously mentioned that his changes at…

White House Hints Annual Covid-19 Boosters

The dems are still clinging to power with their Covid-19 boosters. They just can’t let go, even though our patriots have spoken. Republicans are committed to getting our country back on track… and we won’t let the dems derail us with their destructive policies. We will continue to fight for what’s right for the American people. White House Hints America Will Have Annual Covid-19 Boosters Recently, the Biden administration’s health officials participated in a press briefing about the Covid-19 virus. Dr. Anthony Fauci suggested that annual Covid-19 boosters might be…

Liberals Encourage Parents to Vaccinate Children 6 Months and Older

The twisted dems are still determined to force our children to get the Covid-19 vaccine. They disregard the concerns of parents who want to keep their loved ones safe. This is yet another example of the left’s complete disregard for human life. No wonder our conservatives continue to lose faith in the dems’ politicized science.  Since June, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has stated that children as young as 6 months old should be vaccinated. They’re recommending this age group get shots from Pfizer and Moderna. Meanwhile,…

Why the Decline of US Meat Packers Threatens Our National Security

The US has long been a leader in the global meat packing industry. American meat packing plants were some of the most efficient in the world. However, since Biden took over, we have seen a decline in the number of US meat packers. Let’s not forget how the demo-rat led us to food shortages and inflation. This crisis now threatens our national security in a way we have never seen before. This is a direct result of the failed policies of the Biden administration. Having Fewer Meat Packers Threaten Our…

South Dakota, Iowa, and Georgia Governors Signed Bill Removing Firearm Permits

Gov. Kemp Keynote Address / Georgia National Guard / Flickr / May 21, 2020 / CC BY 2.0 The dems are always doing everything they can to strip us away from our freedom to protect ourselves with our firearms. But more importantly, the twisted administration wants to destroy the Republican culture… by removing guns as a part of our tradition and identity. Despite the liberals’ opposition, our patriot leaders are doing good so far in preserving our second amendment rights. We’ve seen: Republicans in Senate passed a gun bill approving…