President Trump Endorses Dr. Oz for US Senate in Pennsylvania

The twisted dems continue their power play in the health industry, especially with their forceful vaccine and mask mandates. So far, we’ve seen: An NYC employee getting fired for questioning her mayor on toddler mask mandates Kamala Harris not wear a mask when she visited a school in D.C. despite imposing the mandates The administration wasting federal funds for mass testing and millions of vaccines Dr. Anthony Anthony Fauci’s involvement with the origins of the virus The liberals require vaccine mandates on children ages 5-11 and pregnant women Biden attempting…

Gov. Kristi Noem Signs Bill Banning Transgenders in Women’s Sports

Kristi Noem / Gage Skidmore / Flickr / December 19, 2020 / CC BY-SA 2.0 / South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem signed the state Senate Bill 46. It is an act that bans transgenders from participating in women’s sports. The bill is the strongest in the nation so far for protecting women’s sports. On average men are bigger and stronger. They have a competitive physical advantage over women. So it’s unfair for men and women to compete against each other in official sports events.  It hurts their chances of winning…

Dems Working With Big Tech to Destroy America

JD Vance / Gage Skidmore / Flickr / April 17, 2021 / CC BY-SA 2.0 / The dems and Big Tech always do everything to keep our conservative opinion censored. They never give us a fair fight… making sure they always have the advantage. They manipulate the truth to make out patriots look bad. We’ve seen how: Facebook and Twitter suspended President Trump’s accounts Youtube deactivated two conservative channels Youtube removed the visibility of the number of dislikes Amazon invaded our privacy with Amazon Sidewalk and Amazon Key The liberals’…

Moderna Testing New Booster Shots for Omicron

Medical worker preparing Covid-19 mRNA vaccine from Moderna / Marco Verch Professional Photographer / Flickr / December 18, 2020 / CC BY 2.0 The dems and big pharma companies continue to take advantage of the pandemic. They’re using the crisis to show who’s in control, conduct more experiments, and make a profit out of it.  We’ve seen how: Pfizer plans to vaccinate children under 5 years old Biden wasted billions of dollars for mass Covid testing Dr. Anthony Fauci knew about China’s plans with the virus before the pandemic started…

Will Omicron Become The New “Flu”?

The omicron variant has surged across the US, causing the highest rates of confirmed cases since the start of the pandemic despite the fact that approximately 78.7% of Americans have at least one vaccine shot.  Last Monday, a record-breaking 958,000 people tested positive for COVID-19, far surpassing last year’s winter peak of 249,000 new cases on Jan 8th, 2021.  Although data has shown that Omicron symptoms are less severe, hospitalization rates are still rising dramatically across America.  Thanks to Biden’s late reaction to this post-holiday surge in cases, there’s been…