Moderna Testing New Booster Shots for Omicron

Medical worker preparing Covid-19 mRNA vaccine from Moderna / Marco Verch Professional Photographer / Flickr / December 18, 2020 / CC BY 2.0

The dems and big pharma companies continue to take advantage of the pandemic. They’re using the crisis to show who’s in control, conduct more experiments, and make a profit out of it. 

We’ve seen how:

Now, Moderna is testing their Covid booster dose specifically designed to target the Omicron variant after Pfizer recently launched a similar trial.

They’re conducting the test because the pharmaceutical company thinks their third shot’s effectiveness only declines after six months.

Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel elaborated more in a company statement. He wrote, “We are reassured by the antibody persistence against Omicron at six months after the currently authorized 50 microgram booster of mRNA-1273. Nonetheless, given the long-term threat demonstrated by Omicron’s immune escape, we are advancing our Omicron-specific variant vaccine booster candidate.” 

Then he added, “We will continue to share data with public health authorities to help them make evidence-based decisions on the best booster strategies against SARS-CoV-2.”

The big pharma company plans to enroll about 300 participants, consisting of two groups in the study:

  • Those who received two doses of Moderna’s current vaccine
  • Those who received two doses plus a booster

Moderna Chief Medical Officer Dr. Paul Burton also shared his thoughts. He acknowledged the fact that the restrictions caused by Omicron are making people anxious.

During an interview on Fox, he said, “I think the data [is] making people anxious. Transmission is very high… What state governments are trying to do is to protect their healthcare systems.”

Then he said that we should not let our guard down because of the virus. Burton added, “So the measures that are being taken. I think [they] are very important. We can do those simple things. But this is not a time now to let our guard down.”

Of course, we patriots have more reason to keep our guard up… because these twisted big pharma companies are taking advantage of the situation to be more profitable during this pandemic. In reality, they’re just turning this crisis into another business opportunity…

Moderna Chairman Noubar Afeyan also shared his plans to tweak the current booster and vaccine in a recent interview.

He said, “The role of a vaccine developer and manufacturer is to provide all options. So that whatever we need, we have [vaccines] ready to go. That’s how our approach has been.”

Afeyan also mentioned that they’re testing other variants of their doses. He added, “We have tested higher doses of our booster that’s ready to go. We’re doing it all.”

Different variants of the virus, meaning we need to create more variants of the vaccine… 

It’s the perfect excuse to continue their science experiment on a larger scale. This is how big pharma companies like Moderna are taking advantage of the situation to be more profitable. 

The dems and big pharma companies are doing everything in their power to show who’s in control. It won’t be surprising if we also need vaccination cards for these new Covid shots…

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