Patriot Leaders Expose Anthony Fauci

Dr. Anthony Fauci / U.S. Department of the Interior / Flickr / November 15, 2021/ CC BY-SA 2.0 /

Our patriot leaders are keeping a close eye on Dr. Anthony Fauci. This hypocrite who’s siding with the dems knew about China’s plans with

 the virus right before the pandemic started. The doctor who should have been saving lives… seems to be responsible for the death of millions of people.

Our patriot leaders believe that Dr. Fauci is involved in the virus’s origin… because he funded China’s risky research at the Wuhan Institute of virology. According to WION, Dr. Fauci also allowed American scientists to create more infectious versions of viruses to study them.

Republican Sen. Rand Paul is certain that Dr. Fauci is the reason the virus spread quickly. He also believes that Dr. Fauci tried to cover up that he knew what the scientists in Wuhan were researching.

He said on Newsmax, “I know that Fauci knew the Chinese were trying to do this. The alarming [fact] is that we knew in 2018… that they were going to do this… and in 2020 we got a virus that had the same insertion in the exact place to make it more dangerous for humans.”

Then he added, “What the Chinese wanted to do actually happened. They’re not admitting it came from the lab, but it certainly looks suspicious. They’re [thinking] for the good of science, [they] have to cover this up. For the good of the National Institutes of Health. For good old Tony Fauci and his reputation.”

Paul also exposed how Dr. Fauci used his authority to attack other scientists who opposed him. During a Senate hearing,

he said, “Yeah, I think it’s really an abuse of office for a guy who gets $400,000 or more from the taxpayer to immediately say, ‘Hey, I’m science and any attack on me is an attack on science.’ He’s using his career [and] position to attack scientists – [in] Stanford, Oxford, Harvard.”

Sen. Paul alone already told a lot about Dr. Fauci’s schemes. The hypocrite was rattled… and tried a futile attempt to defend himself during the hearing.

Dr. Fauci said, “Senator, first of all, if you look at everything that I said, you accuse me of in a monolithic way. [You’re] telling people what they need to do. Everything that I said has been in support of the CDC guidelines, [which is] to wear a mask and get boosted.”

He keeps telling everyone that he’s only doing his best to save people’s lives… even if he’s doing the exact opposite. Dr. Fauci funded the research in Wuhan… and used his authority against opposing scientists. 

Even Republican leaders like Rep. James Comer and Rep. Jim Jordan are keeping a close eye on Dr. Fauci. 

They wrote a letter revealing that Dr. Fauci knew that the Covid-19 was intentionally modified. Comer and Jordan wrote, “It was on this conference call that Dr. Fauci and Collins were first warned that Covid-19 may have leaked from the WIV and, further, may have been intentionally genetically manipulated.”

The growing suspicion on Dr. Fauci only shows that he’s a fraud. He has done nothing of value to stop the spread of the original virus and the variants. This just proves that he’s been sided with the demo-rats all this time.

Our patriot leaders did a great job exposing this hypocrite…

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