Can the Dems Really Handle the Omicron Variant?

Virus VIH/ Kanijoman / Flickr / September 28, 2011/ CC BY 2.0 The Covid-19 virus is continuously evolving as we’ve seen with the new variant. The World Health Organization (WHO) named it Omicron… and it’s the most heavily mutated virus found so far. The first case of Omicron was identified in California last November 29th. Dr. Anthony Fauci went into detail about the first case during a press conference. “Some of you may have heard that the California and San Francisco Departments of Public Health… and the CDC have confirmed…

The Border Crisis Invisible to Biden

Biden promised to reverse the immigration policies that President Trump placed. Now there’s more chaos at the border than ever… Busloads of migrant families from border cities were dropped off all over Texas.  According to Laredo Mayor Pete Saenz, there were several “untested migrants” sent to Dallas, Austin, and Houston. The charter buses cost the city $8,000 – $10,000 dollars per day. So far, the city has sent about 800 migrants north… Laredo also said, “These migrants aren’t being tested. Border Patrol doesn’t test them. We [much less] don’t have…

Another Wrong Turn For Biden

A few months ago, Biden announced that fully vaccinated people won’t need to wear masks anymore. Then, he insisted that July 4th would be the day our country was free from COVID… when in fact, the situation is only getting worse with the increasing cases of Delta variant racing through America.  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), this July, the average number of new US cases has risen to 56,000 a day. That was almost 30,000 new cases added in just a week. On the other…

Facebook Works For The Government

White House Press secretary Jenn Psaki made a bold move when she revealed that the Biden Administration is working with Facebook to flag and remove “problematic” posts that “spread disinformation” about COVID. She said, “We are in regular touch with the social media platforms and those engagements typically happen through members of our senior staff and also members of our COVID team – given, as Dr. Murthy conveyed, this is a big issue, of misinformation, specifically on the pandemic.” Not only is this a major violation of free speech, but…

Scientists identify unique subtype of eczema linked to food allergy

Atopic dermatitis, a common inflammatory skin condition also known as allergic eczema, affects nearly 20 percent of children, 30 percent of whom also have food allergies. Scientists have now found that children with both atopic dermatitis and food allergy have structural and molecular differences in the top layers of healthy-looking skin near the eczema lesions, whereas children with atopic dermatitis alone do not. Defining these differences may help identify children at elevated risk for developing food allergies, according to research published online today in Science Translational Medicine. The research was supported…