Can the Dems Really Handle the Omicron Variant?

Virus VIH/ Kanijoman / Flickr / September 28, 2011/ CC BY 2.0

The Covid-19 virus is continuously evolving as we’ve seen with the new variant. The World Health Organization (WHO) named it Omicron… and it’s the most heavily mutated virus found so far.

The first case of Omicron was identified in California last November 29th. Dr. Anthony Fauci went into detail about the first case during a press conference.

“Some of you may have heard that the California and San Francisco Departments of Public Health… and the CDC have confirmed that a recent case of COVID-19… was caused by the Omicron variant. Genome genomic sequencing was conducted at the University of California in San Francisco. And the sequence was confirmed at the CDC as being consistent with the Omicron variant.”

Then he added, “The individual was a traveler, who returned from South Africa on November 22nd… and tested positive on November the 29th. The individual is quarantined, and all close contacts have tested negative.” 

Dr. Fauci confirmed that the person was already vaccinated, “The individual was fully vaccinated… and experienced mild symptoms which are improving at this point. So this is the first confirmed case of COVID-19 caused by the Omicron variant detected in the United States.”

He already anticipated that the virus would evolve over time… and he was right. “We knew that it was just a matter of time before the first case of Omicron would be detected in the United States.”

During the first week of December, there were already five cases in New York. As the winter months begin, it sets the stage for the virus to spread quickly. Several other experts have shared their thoughts about the variant with the information we have so far…

“Here is a mutation variant of serious concern. We were hopeful that we might have a longer break in between waves… possibly that it would hold off until late December or even next January.” South Africa Health Minister Joe Phaahla said during a press briefing.

Prof. Tulio de Oliveira, the director of the Centre for Epidemic Response and Innovation in South Africa, said there was an “unusual constellation of mutations” and “very different” from other variants that have circulated.

“This variant did surprise us; it has a big jump on evolution [and] many more mutations that we expected,” he said.

The knowledge we have about the Omicron variant is still limited. That’s why the dems are expected to take advantage of the situation to tighten their forceful mandates. 

Biden spoke in a press conference and shared some of his thoughts. He said, “We’re going to fight this variant with science and speed. Not chaos and confusion.”

How can we trust the liberals and their politicized science, especially after they’ve proven to be incompetent at handling our border crisis and our economic inflation.

Last November, a Trafalgar Group poll released that Biden’s approval rating was 36.3%, with his disapproval rating at 59.1%. The numbers speak for themselves. He’s not the man for the job…

Former Senior Adviser to President Trump Stephen Miller believes that the right leader can solve this crisis. He believes that Trump can make things better, “COVID is becoming endemic. It is going to continue to mutate. It’s going to continue to evolve. It’s all around planet Earth. If President Trump was still in office, by the way, we’d already have modified vaccines to deal with the new variants, which is a great point.”

Our country could fight the Omicron variant properly if we had a leader who could speak with his actions. That’s how we could make America great again while facing the pandemic…

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