Government Departments Found to be Customers of Smartphone Hacking Company

It seems that the government is still up to no good, they can’t seem to stop finding new ways to spy on others. Israeli-based company Cellebrite creates hardware and software that unlock smartphones, and to no one’s surprise, they have thousands of customers in the U.S. government… Cellebrite initially worked only with law enforcement agencies, but now, they’ve begun to broaden the availability of their software in the private sector.  Albert Fox Cahn, the executive director of the nonprofit advocacy group Surveillance Technology Oversight Project, has called out the lack…

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San Jose City Sued for Requiring Liability Insurance to Gun Owners

The dems continue their move to call for stricter gun control laws to take away our freedom. They pretend that they’re doing this to lessen crime rates in the country. But, in reality, they only want to chop off a huge part of our “Republican culture.” A few weeks ago, these twisted liberals had a hard time stripping away our gun rights. First, our Republicans in Senate passed a gun bill to allow firearms on college campuses. Then, two counties were caught violating the 2nd amendment rights after closing several…

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Biden Is Not Pro-Union At All

Joe Campaigning / stingrayschuller / Flickr / April 30, 2020 / CC BY 2.0 / Biden is known for making empty promises and false claims. He’s the kind of leader who’s never consistent with what he says. Last year, the demo-rat was too bold to assure that: America will be Covid-free by the 4th of July The stock market was in great condition even if it was a disaster at that time The unvaccinated will suffer a winter of illness and death The meat industry was the reason for the…

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2022 Winter Olympics End With Norway Winning Gold and Russia’s Doping Scandal

Vladimir Putin meets with Russian sportsmen – participants of the XXIII Olympic winter games /  CC BY 4.0 / Earlier this week the Winter Olympics came to a close, but not without swirling controversy and debate over the hottest topic of the games – spoilers, it wasn’t the medalists.  Investigations relating to Russia’s state-sponsored use of performance-enhancing drugs have spanned five Olympic Games and were the talk of the Beijing Games, specifically the women’s individual figure skating competition. Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) figure skater Kamila Valieva, 15, tested positive…

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Dem Leaders Allowing Crime Rate to Go Up?

The crime rate in America is still on the rise. Is the administration failing to manage the crimes happening across the country? This year, several cities across the country faced a major spike in violent crimes. It was reported that six law enforcement officers were shot across the US in the cities of St. Louis, Milwaukee, and Houston. Statistics also showed a violent trend of police victimization due to a rise in gun violence in January alone. It was also stated that crimes in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and…

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