Divide Among House Dems Threatens the Fate of Their Spending Plan

Dollars / 401(K) 2012 / Flickr / November 8, 2011 / CC BY-SA 2.0 / Since last year, the dems have been very inconsiderate when it comes to how they manage the federal budget… They’re still pushing their massive spending plan, and we’ve already seen how terribly that’s going… Americans felt inflation throughout the year. The stock market went down. Meat prices went up. Energy prices skyrocketed. A new divide among House dems threatens the fate of their irrational spending plan. Two mega-bills were thrown into limbo… First is the…

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Are the Dems Sabotaging the Education System?

The dems aren’t holding back when it comes to ruining the future of our youth. These liberals would never make America great if they would continue with their liberal power play… The dems Manipulating the Education System We’ve seen how they’re pushing Critical Race Theory to the new curriculum… with the intent to brainwash our children.  American author Shemeka Michelle believes that this petty curriculum is pointing children in the wrong direction. During an interview in Watters’ World this January, she shared her thoughts.  She said, “We have a lot…

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China’s Hypersonic Missile Alarms the World

At the China Aviation Museums / Sam / Olai Ose / Skjaervoy / Flickr / September 28, 2008 / CC BY-SA 2.0 A few months ago, we saw how China built missile silos in its Western desert. Now they’re taking their nuclear expansion to the next level with hypersonic missiles… According to a report from Britain’s Financial Times newspaper… China managed to launch a nuclear-capable hypersonic missile. They launched it into space… and it circled the Earth before cruising towards its target. No missile has ever done that before. China…

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Joe Manchin Continues to Reject dem’s Spending Plan

Governor Tomblin, Senator Manchin, Community College System, Employers Join In Dedicating New, Innovative North Central Advanced Technology Center / DSC_6999 / Governor Earl Ray Tomblin, Joe Manchin / Flickr / October 31, 2016 / CC BY-ND 2.0 Despite being in the democrat party, we all know that Senator Joe Manchin is not twisted and heartless as most liberals are… Manchin has always been against Biden’s irrational spending plans. He’s consistent in refusing to help the dems with their Build Back Better bill. The Dems are doing everything in their power…

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Biden Drops the Ball Fighting against Omicron Surge in the U.S.

COVID At-home Test Kit / Travis Wise / San Jose, California / Flickr / December 23, 2020 / CC BY 2.0 With the rapid spread of the Omicron Coronavirus across the globe, several governments have chosen to reimpose restrictions before the holiday season began, and many are not loosening up as we ring in 2022.  The strain has been deemed more infectious than earlier strains, despite the fact that it does not cause as severe of a reaction as the delta variant.  These concerns have raised many questions for countries…

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