CNN Town Hall MAJOR Disappointment

CNN’s heavily promoted Town Hall event with Biden was nothing more than an ‘uncomfortable to watch’ PR event. Social media has been on fire since the aftermath of this event with users criticizing Biden’s every action and comment. Bloomberg News Reporter Jennifer Epstein was first to point out the foreshadowing disappointment, with a photo of an almost empty auditorium posted to her Twitter. What the Biden CNN town hall looks like from the back of the auditorium: — Jennifer Epstein (@jeneps) July 22, 2021 This event was just a…

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Facebook Works For The Government

White House Press secretary Jenn Psaki made a bold move when she revealed that the Biden Administration is working with Facebook to flag and remove “problematic” posts that “spread disinformation” about COVID. She said, “We are in regular touch with the social media platforms and those engagements typically happen through members of our senior staff and also members of our COVID team – given, as Dr. Murthy conveyed, this is a big issue, of misinformation, specifically on the pandemic.” Not only is this a major violation of free speech, but…

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Native American Mascots: A Symbol of Strength or Racial Stereotype?

Legislation across the country is moving to pass bills that prevent public schools from adopting/using Native American mascots for sports.  This comes after the NFL Redskins made the decision to change their name – known as a racial slur in the Native American community -, and become ‘the Washington Football team’.  States like Colorado and Nevada are following in the footsteps of Maine, which was previously the only state to ban schools from using Native American mascots.   Main Gov. Janet Mills spoke up about the reason for signing this bill…

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Biden Makes Gun Violence Even Worse

Once again, Biden makes another incompetent move to tackle gun violence. Yes, the same person who didn’t reprimand his son for owning a gun illegally… Biden is so serious that he’s doing nothing to get the illegal guns out of the hands of criminals. Instead, he harasses law-abiding gun owners and gun stores… focusing on restricting rifles less known for their use in gun violence cases.  There’s also a high chance Biden will use excessive fees, taxation, and burdensome regulations to put firearms out of reach for everyone except the…

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Trump’s Presence A Major Threat to Enemies

The dems, mainstream media, and Big Tech companies are threatened by the presence of President Donald Trump, especially now that he’s getting back into the public space. America needs him more than ever… and we’re seeing him in action. He ran a rally in Ohio and Sarasota to empower thousands of our Republican patriots He went to the US-Mexico border to check the situation and even pressured Harris to visit as well He exposed Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell” that contains his criminal activities He hinted about making another run…

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