PAINTER Act Seeks White House Transparency

Our patriots have had enough of Biden’s special treatment when it comes to his family. It just shows how corrupt these twisted dems can be when they are in a seat of power…

Biden keeps ignoring his son’s misconduct. He and his team make it look like there’s nothing wrong, and what makes it worse is the mainstream media’s lack of truthful coverage of his bad deeds. 

But these twisted liberals can’t hide Hunter’s schemes forever. We’ve already seen:

  • His involvement in several drug cases
  • The lies he told on his gun application
  • How President Trump exposed his “laptop from hell” that contains evidence of his crimes

Now, Hunter lives his life as a full-time CON artist. He’s currently charging around $75,000 – $500,000 for his artwork. That’s too much for someone with no professional art experience. 

What he’s doing is basically money laundering…

People buying from him aren’t actually interested in his artwork. They only want to get access to his father’s power and resources.

This special treatment given to Hunter Biden caught the attention of some of our patriot leaders… and they want to do something about it.

Rep. Mike Waltz introduced the PAINTER Act. This would require the president and vice president of the United States to report the same financial disclosure information… of their non-dependent children. It’s an act to make sure Biden and the other dems aren’t abusing their power.

Waltz also shared his thoughts as he announced this bill. He said, “Under this administration, we have witnessed shameless attempts to profit off Joe Biden’s presidency that jeopardize the integrity of the White House.”

Then he added, “Despite the Biden Administration’s silence on this issue, American citizens have a right to know who is attempting to purchase access to the White House through an ‘artist’, Hunter Biden, with no established credentials to warrant such enormous profits. The PAINTER Act will put transparency first in the White House and shed light on the actions of the adult children of the President or Vice President that can be used to influence their parent’s position of power.”

Under this legislation, the president and vice president would be required to report the following financial information for their children. They are also required to report for themselves and their spouses:

  • The source and type of earned income exceeding $1,000
  • The source and amount of any honoraria received aggregating more than $200
  • The source and type of income from dividends, rents, interest, and capital gains exceeding $200 and the value of the amount
  • The source, description, and value of any gifts received due solely, or in part, to the non-dependent child’s relationship with the president or vice president
  • The source, description, and value of any reimbursements received due solely, or in part, to the non-dependent child’s relationship with the president or vice president

The Biden administration is full of hypocrites. They give their fellow dems special treatment like nothing’s happening because the media keeps covering for them. Our patriots are sick and tired of this cycle… and someone has to stop them.

It’s a good thing we still have Republican leaders like Waltz who never lose sight of integrity. A patriot like him – who never fears exposing these twisted dems – is what our country needs right now.

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24 Thoughts to “PAINTER Act Seeks White House Transparency”

  1. Albee

    Biden is a jackass

  2. Catherine Hurd

    It is time America is again run by the people by the people not the ones we have now. America is a free country not Socialist , communist and run by evil uncaring ones we have now. Come on Americans , God Loving. America became free by ” God ,Guns & Guts.” that is my opinion. God is the Almighty One.

  3. newman

    Quit talking – do something.

  4. Wyatt Earp

    If someone kill Hunter will Biden resign? Just a question! We are getting sick to our stomach hearing how he get special treatment! If Biden want to give his 50 years boy the treatment of a 10 years old boy. Then they both got mental health problems!

  5. Wanda

    What?? They need to put under the jail for their infringement on the American people Since this Administration has taken over. It’s been a disaster. Where did idiots come from. If we don’t get you guys out of the office there will be nothing left. How dare you sac religious idiots they make rules for everyone else but don’t even follow them. You think somehow you are above all laws , the Supreme Court and even the Constitution. You are nobody and for not above the law. I think it’s a shame you have no confidence you can and so you steal, commit fraud and what it takes yo make sure you are able to scheme to take control. How lousy!!!!

  6. John Decker

    I would really like for one of these serial baby killers to show me in the Constitution the part that says it’s perfectly legal, and a Constitutional right, to kill babies. One of you, I don’t care who, show me where in the Constitution you get the right to kill babies. I’m waiting.

  7. jerry lockhart

    The Biden family would not know what the word transparency or honest means the corruption has never stop and this whole Biden administration knows about it and are part of it, Donald Trump show us what a real President could and should do for America , Joe Biden showed his best as well – we need to give back to hunter & joe for all they have done, how about life in prison for crimes against the American people, for the murders of our men and women in afghanistan, for rapes of children and women. the list goes on and on.

  8. Jose Méndez Ruales

    El tema de las armas, está relacionado con la seguridad de las personas y también de la comunidad. Por cualquier medida que se adopte, siempre habrá comentarios favorables y desfavorables. Si se presenta una balacera, sólo allí se dirá: porque no se adoptó alguna medida que evite este tipo de problemas. En el pasado ya han sucedido casos similares. No todas las personas son equilibradas mentalmente. Pero un arma en manos de alguien que no actua normalmente es un gran peligro y el costo en vidas humanas es alto. Lógicamente que parece ¡muy rentable un negocio de tráfico o tenencia de armas!

  9. Thomas Phillips

    English is our language!!!!’ If you can’t speak English return to Mexico!!!!!

  10. Sharon murphy

    Biden and Harris are both unfit. Hes a criminal with a family that is also criminals. He stole the election. Only way he could win. And he thinks he got the most votes ever. He uck everything he touches , everything!
    Look at this mess the world
    Is in. Hes going to get us all killed. Hes demented. Isnt that enough.
    .impeach him Now.

  11. Scott

    Don’t fart around on this, get it done right now, it’s time to cut off the head of the snake and this communist regime

  12. Doris Lauter

    Jo lies all the time, and surely you dont’ expect him to report the correct amounts of fraud. He goes against the Supreme court orders, so why would he be honest with anyone else.?

  13. Carol V Basler

    Biden has no idea of what is “right” and what is “wrong.” He seems to believe that whatever ‘he’ wants to do is fine – because he’s the ‘president.’
    Biden has no concept of the laws of our nation! Biden just wants what he wants – when he wants it. I pray every day that our magnificent nation is tough enough to live through this assault by this “enemy within!”

  14. Sharon sivori

    We the people demand this idiot start obeying the CONSTITUTION and the LAWS! When a court orders you to do something, if you ignore it(WHICH THIS ADMIN DOES EVERY DAMN DAY! ) There should be harsh results aimed at them. This clown gets away with skating through it all?? WHERE ARE THE LAWS!!!!!

  15. C.Starr

    Yes!!! Exactly Right !!!

  16. Patriot Woman

    You are absolutely correct, America became free by “God, Guns and Guts.” We must wake up and never forget the way to recover and maintain our freedom is by those same “God, Guns and Guts.”

  17. Dennis


  18. michael sarnataro

    any american president who leaves american behind should be inpeached

  19. Martin

    The “ Painter Act” should be extended to all members of Congress and their family. This would expose all Government corruption. From top to bottom, then make sure no one in Government ever becomes a Lobbyist. That’s another self serving interest avenue that a lot of Politicians pursue. They are there to serve and represent WeThe People. Not themselves, they got it all wrong. We Live in the Greatest County on Earth. Not Perfect! But, still the Greatest! That’s why Everyone wants to come Here! To the good old U.S. of A.


    I cannot believe that the Blue Voters of USA have taken so lo . . . .ng to see through the evil ways of their leaders, trying to control the thinking of the whole nation, including children!! The so called VERY ILL puppet leader, BIDEN, has made the once proud USA the laughing stock of the world, especially to their enemies, and on top of that, caused the highest inflation rate ever!! – they should have a(woke)n right at the beginning – unbelievable – unbelievable – unbe . . . . . . . . AND NOW HE IS A DICTATOR – WAKE UP AMERICA!!! – All my life, I have always wished to live in USA, (was in LA in ’96 – loved it there) – but now . . . . . . . what a mess – like COVID ridden border illegals in their millions, Drug Cartels, CRT, sex for kids at school etc. – for goodness sake, there are only boys and girls on this planet, any other genders are ill or fictitious with strange made up pronouns etc. – you need more people like Dr. Steve, Mark Levin, Tucker Carlson and Ben Shapiro to expose these charlitans – BEWARE VAXXES – Praying for you ALL, from an old school, 81 year old retired programmer and electronics engineer in South Africa. MAGA . . . MAGA . . .MAGA!

  21. Ronald K Reddout

    I hear a lot about the Red Wave coming in the 2022 Mid-Term elections. Every Freedom-Loving American needs to get out and vote the Blue Monkeys…er Donkeys…out of office. Don’t Hold Back! Vote the Socialist, Marxist, Fascist, Communists out of office. Then clear out all of those types everywhere they can be found and send them to Communist China – or to Cuba – or maybe to the bottom of the ocean.

  22. Montoya, Richard James

    Why isn’t anyone calling that traitor and pedophile a TRAITOR and PEDOPHILE. it’s the truth. The biden’s are perverse traitors.

  23. Sandt

    This administration is such a disappointment. The Democrats have come in with a agenda to change America to their liking. No one can even recognize the Democrats party anymore. This President should resign it’s obvious not able to run a country.

  24. Willie1955

    Wyatt neither Biden shows to have a very high intellect, both are dimmer than a 5 watt bulb.

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