Patriot Leaders to Prioritize Securing the Border

When Biden took office in January 2021… he promised to transform how the US treated asylum seekers. He vowed to restore humanitarian protection. However, we’re still not seeing any results from his administration.

Biden never really cared for our borders ever since he became president. He didn’t bother continuing President Trump’s efforts to solve the crisis. Instead, the demo-rat only did the opposite of what Trump did during his term.

The border crisis is one of the biggest issues America is facing. Unfortunately, it continues to get worse because of our current administration. People are trying to enter the country without going through the proper channels.

Border agents admitted they’re sick and tired of Biden’s empty promises. They are also aware that the demo-rat doesn’t care about securing our borders.

Border Crisis is Still a Disaster Under Biden

The border crisis isn’t getting better at all. All because the dems have been ignoring it for too long.

According to the Center for Immigration Studies, almost 2 million migrants have made it into the US under the administration.

Fox News contributor Tom Homan believes that the border crisis has become a national security crisis. Homan was certain that the situation would only get worse under the dems. He said, “I’ve been saying for a year and a half that this border crisis would become a national security crisis.”

Homan also believes that Biden is the root cause of this immigration problem. He added, “This president has created a border crisis. An immigration crisis causes 70% of the Border Patrol to be off the line. That’s when the drugs flow through to kill 100,000 Americans. That’s when the terrorists come across.” 

He also emphasized how terrible the situation already is. Homan added, “This is a huge national security issue. This president created this crisis on purpose. This is by design. This is open borders.”

Patriot Leaders Want to Prioritize the Border

Several patriot leaders have been vocal with Biden’s leadership on the border…

Rep. Kevin Brady shared on Newsmax that Biden is “in denial” about the immigration crisis. He showed how messy the situation is at the border. Brady said, “We’ve had 700 migrants die on American soil since this president took office. He doesn’t seem to care about this humanitarian, sex trafficking, drug trafficking crisis we’ve got here.”

Brady added, “He certainly hasn’t been to West Texas… where he has driven up oil and gas prices in a way no one could imagine, and it’s just crushing families.”

Meanwhile, Rep. Bryan Steil said that the border is still “wildly out of control.” But despite that, the administration still refuses to act. He said, “Since Biden has taken office, millions of people have illegally entered the US. That’s three times the size of the entire population of the state of Delaware.”

Rep. Chip Roy is tired of Biden’s inaction on the border. Now, he’s urging House Republicans to make border security a “main priority.” The Patriot leader said, “Securing our borders should be the main priority of the House GOP… along with ending deficit spending.”

Even our patriot leaders are not satisfied with the border… and want to prioritize securing it. We won’t expect the Biden administration to help them. But our fellow patriots are here to support our conservative leaders in fixing the border.

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