Politicized Science: Republicans lose faith in science

The science behind today’s COVID vaccines won’t fool our patriots…

Republicans have grown “less confident” with today’s science. On the other hand, the dems seem to have more confidence than ever.

A breakdown from a Gallup poll this July showed a comparison of our Americans’ confidence in science in 2021 and 1975.

  • There were 45% of Republicans who said they have confidence in science in 2021; compared with 72% who felt that way in 1975
  • Among the dems, there were 79% who said they’re confident now; compared with 67% who said so in 1975

When science and technology were in a rudimentary phase of discovery, our country’s political parties had MORE confidence in science than they do nearly 50 years later…

Gallup pollster Jeffrey Jones said that the Republican’s mistrust might have stemmed from “liberal bias” allegations in the scientific community. 

He also mentioned that “Republicans mistrust colleges and universities and cite a liberal political agenda as the reason for that lack of trust.”

For our patriots, it seems that science is now becoming a politicized topic. And it’s totally understandable why conservatives feel this way.

Researchers and scientists also belong to political parties… and they get a large part of their funding from the government.

It’s highly probable that scientific testing and research have become corrupted by the twisted dems.

The nature of science is to be obsessed with the pursuit of truth… But sometimes, scientists can manipulate the truth a little bit to get ahead. Some will exaggerate or lie on their data to support their claims.

Stanford University took a systematic approach to the problem. They wanted to know how to spot a fake scientific paper. So they studied over 250 papers that were retracted because of fraudulent data and tried to find out what they have in common. 

They discovered that these papers tend to have lower readability and higher rates of scientific ‘jargon. Some scientists intentionally make their papers difficult to read. They add anything that distracts readers with errors and misleads them to conclusions.

The dems are just as great at masquerading their true intentions, especially if they have science on their side…

Biden announced during the height of the vaccination scheme that he would “incentivize” Americans who will get their COVID ‘jab’ … with $100. 

It may have looked like he’s showing his care for the unvaccinated. But why would Biden think that bribing our patriots with money for vaccinations… would appeal to people who already don’t trust the administration’s vaccines?

Robert Greene in the 48 Laws of Power said, “Despise the free lunch. What is offered for free is dangerous — it usually involves either a trick or a hidden obligation.” These twisted dems must have a hidden agenda…

Unfortunately, from the looks of it, there’s a chance that Biden is paying us to test their new “science” in their vaccines. He’s treating us like guinea pigs for their little experiment. We all know that he shouldn’t force us to take an experimental drug that we believe is “not working.”

Americans who wanted their vaccines already got theirs. What Biden is doing right now is straight-up “bribery.” And he’s making it look like a legal move.

Even now, we’re seeing mandates for airline employees, pregnant women, and now children to be vaccinated…

These twisted dems are ruining “science” right before our eyes.

The biggest reason we’re “losing faith” in science is that Biden and the twisted dems are using it for their political agendas…

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