Right to Contraception Act Passes on House; But Unlikely to Pass on Senate

The House of Representatives passed legislation that federally protects birth control access. This also includes allowing medications used to induce abortion. 

In a 228-195 vote, lawmakers passed the Right to Contraception Act. There were 8 Republicans who voted with Democrats to support the legislation. These were:

  • Rep. Liz Cheney (Wyo.)
  • Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (Pa.)
  • Rep. Anthony Gonzalez (Ohio)
  • Rep. John Katko (N.Y.)
  • Rep. Adam Kinzinger (Ill.)
  • Rep. Nancy Mace (S.C.)
  • Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar (Fla.)
  • Rep. Fred Upton (Mich.)

The bill prevents state and local governments from interfering with birth control. 

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is vocal in supporting the Right to Contraception Act. She said, “As some of our colleagues have said, we want to put the Republicans on record. But we’d like to put them on record supporting contraception.”

Then she backlashed our Republican leaders who oppose the legislation. The demo-rat added, “Who are these people saying they want to outlaw it? It’s about control. They don’t like birth control, but they want to control women, and we cannot let that happen.”

Republicans Oppose the Right to Contraception Act

On the other hand, House Republicans see the bill as a political gimmick to boost dems in the midterms. 

Rep. Claudia Tenney shared her thoughts about the Right to Contraception Act. The Patriot leader believes that this legislation will violate our constitutional principles. Tenney said, “If we allow the majority to undermine constitutional safeguards for an imagined and fake emergency… they will create more imagined emergencies in the future. [The legislation will] violate and undermine our constitutional principles.”

Rep. Chris Smith warns that there is much more to the legislation than its name suggests. He advised opponents of abortions to be on guard about the measure. He said on Newsmax, “No one is threatening contraception. But the language embedded in this bill could undermine gains the pro-life cause gained under Presidents [Ronald] Reagan and [Donald] Trump.”

Smith is aware of how cunning the liberals can be. He’s not removing the possibility that there can be details in the bill that aren’t disclosed.

Anti-Abortion Group Doesn’t Trust the Legislation

Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, an anti-abortion group, also shared its thoughts about the Right to Contraception Act.

The group believes that the Dems are doing this for federal funding. They wrote, “This bill has less to do with the ability of individuals to obtain contraception. [It has] more to do with ensuring federal funding for abortion providers… who also provide contraceptives. [Even though] the Trump Administration funded $1.8 billion in 2020.”

They added, “The bill also tramples freedom of conscience for health care providers. It would override state and federal freedom of conscience laws. [Hence], it drives providers’ moral beliefs about sterilization and contraceptives.”

Now the Right to Contraception Act heads to the Senate. Fortunately, there’s a low chance for it to pass it there.

Once the legislation heads to the senate… the liberals would need support from 10 Republicans to avoid a filibuster.

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