Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act Will Only Do the Opposite

Biden’s spending plan materialized after 18 months of negotiation in the US Senate. The liberals were able to pass the Inflation Reduction Act this August. Unfortunately, the dems convinced Senators Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema to support their spending plan. Now, the liberals are a step ahead of us. We need to stop this before anything worse happens. The idea of this legislation is terrible. Knowing Biden, the only thing it will do for our country’s inflation problem is create more problems. We’ve seen the demo-rat: Waste 1.5 trillion on…

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Senate Democrats Officially Pass $430 Billion Spending Bill

Unfortunately, Senators Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema will support the Democrat’s spending bill. There’s a big chance that America will continue to rack up debt, and our children will be stuck with the bill. We need to elect more fiscal conservatives to office who will make spending cuts a priority. Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema agreed to support the Democratic spending bill. However, many Republicans are unhappy with the measure. They believe it is too costly and doesn’t do enough to reduce the deficit. This is a huge mistake that…

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