Republican Lawmakers in Congress Are Demanding Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to Resign

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas continues to politicize the border. This is something that conservatives have long slammed him for. Critics say that Mayorkas is more concerned with other political interests than actually solving the issues at the border. Republicans Want Mayorkas to Resign Smugglers, migrants, and many Republican lawmakers say the border is open. However, Mayorkas says the border is closed and secure.  In an interview with The Dallas Morning News Secretary, Mayorkas said, “The political crisis that the border is open is music to the smugglers’ ears. They…

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Rep. Mayra Flores Slams Biden and Mayorkas on Immigration

Rep. Mayra Flores is committed to securing our borders. She knows that this is a complex issue that must be addressed. The Patriot leader is determined to find a solution that will work best for our country. Dems are threatened by the prospect of Rep. Mayra Flores’ capabilities. They know that she is a strong conservative voice… and she will continue to fight for Republican values. Rep. Flores Slams Biden’s Border Policies The Texas congresswoman believes that the most important issues to her are the economy and border security. Flores…

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Mayorkas Continues to Make the Border Worse

The border crisis is far from over. Under the current administration, migrant crossings are on the rise. Conditions at the border are deteriorating. This administration has failed to address the root causes of the crisis… and they seem content to allow it to continue. The liberals have undone everything that President Trump has done for the border. Alejandro Mayorkas is one of the biggest reasons why our borders are never secure. He’s been in charge as the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security for more than a year… and…

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Title 42 Removal Will Lead to a Migrant Surge

Alejandro Mayorkas Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security, USA / World Travel & Tourism Council / Flickr / CC BY 2.0 The Biden administration has been a disaster when it comes to immigration. Their inability to deal with this issue is one of America’s worst failures. Our country has been struggling to fix our borders since Biden took office. The immigration crisis is getting worse as time goes on. Despite the great start that President Trump left behind for Biden… the demo-rat still didn’t take his advocacy seriously.  Biden’s pride stops him…

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Border Agents Fed Up With Biden’s Empty Promises

Joe Biden / Gage Skidmore / Flickr / CC BY-SA 2.0 Up to this day, the Biden administration is still failing to make significant progress in fixing our borders. To no one’s surprise, the immigration crisis continues to get worse. It looks like Biden’s pride won’t let him continue President Trump’s works on the border.  It’s just disappointing that despite the great start that Trump left behind for his POTUS successor… Biden only took his advocacy for granted. The administration that we have today is most likely responsible for the…

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