Harris Fails America Again

Kamala Harris / Gage Skidmore / Flickr / June 1, 2019 / CC BY-SA 2.0 / Kamala Harris has done nothing but prove she’s not the leader that America deserves. All her failures are eye-openers for every citizen in the country.  Even the mainstream media has stopped covering up for her. Here are some of her most notable failures since she became vice president: Ignoring the border crisis and making the immigration problem worse Wasting $25 million in federal funds to implement liberal voting restrictions Using her race and gender…

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Why Capitol Rioters Hate Real Republicans

Don’t be fooled by the flags… The cowards behind yesterday’s attack on the Capitol don’t care about the election, about Trump, or about you.  For years, they’ve been trying to take over the Republican party – it’s time to fight back. When rioters stormed the Capitol yesterday, they claimed to be on President Trump’s side. They weren’t. They despise everything positive that Trump has ever stood for – they’ve always just seen him as a way to take power. Right from the start they recognized how much Trump was shaking…

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California WILL Go Red Again

Is California a lost cause? Dems want you to think so, want you to believe that the Golden State will always vote Democrat. The truth is completely different. California will vote Republican again – maybe even in 2024. Here’s the reality that terrifies liberals: If you ask anyone on the street to name a dem-voting state, it’s going to be California or New York 9 times out of 10.  According to the official records, Cali hasn’t voted for a Republican since 1988 – and with the swing gradually increasing across…

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The Ultimate Conservative Christmas Movies

In the mood for Christmas movies, but want to avoid the liberal indoctrination?  You’re not alone. While modern Hollywood only produces Christmas movies when they can be warped into having a liberal message, in the past, things were very different… We’ve picked out some classic Christmas films from the past, giving you a perfect lineup for the next couple of weeks. But first, what makes a Christmas movie conservative?  Some liberals might imagine that every conservative film is more or less the same… that it’s all about the message. That’s…

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