Biden Appoints Another Woke Leader in the Military

We all know that the Biden administration hasn’t done anything good for our armed forces. The US military continues to lose its identity… because of the liberals’ incompetence to steer them in a better direction. We all know that the military’s purpose is to serve as a deterrent to war and win battles to protect American citizens. However, they’re more concerned with being “woke” as they focus their resources on critical race theory and diversifying their forces. We’ve witnessed the administration engage in some dirty power play over the past…

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Biden Threatens to Punish Russia if They Invade Ukraine

President Biden: Press Conference in Geneva, Switzerland / photo has been modified / U.S. Embassy Bern / Flickr / June 16, 2021 / CC BY-SA 2.0 / Biden seems interested in making America’s relationship with Russia even worse… Last year, we watched Biden embarrass America with his ‘dementia babble’ as he talked with Vladimir Putin on the world stage at the Geneva Summit.  During the last weeks of December, Biden warned Putin during a phone call of “severe sanctions” if he invades Ukraine. He told reporters the same thing days…

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Biden Admits to Broken Promise of Getting All Americans out of Afghanistan

A U.S. Army Soldier patrols with Afghan soldiers to check on conditions in the village of Yawez in Wardak province, Afghanistan, Feb. 17, 2010. The partnership between U.S. and Afghan soldiers is proving to be a valuable tool in bringing security to the area. The U.S. Soldiers are assigned to Company A, 1st Battalion, 503rd Infantry Regiment, 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team. U.S. Army / photo by Sgt. Russell Gilchrest / February 17, 2010 / Flickr / CC BY 2.0 Back in August, while American troops were frantically evacuating from…

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