Does Biden Care More About Race and Gender Than Upholding The Law?

Biden is expected to announce his nomination for a new supreme court judge by the end of February, and he plans to uphold his campaign pledge to nominate a Black woman. Today, the Vice President and I met with Senator Durbin and Senator Grassley on the upcoming Supreme Court vacancy. I look forward to nominating someone with extraordinary experience and integrity — someone who will make history as the first Black woman nominated to the Court. — President Biden (@POTUS) February 1, 2022 Following the retirement announcement of Justice…

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The Republicans Succeeded in Defending Filibuster Shut Down

IMG_7333 / Matt Johnson / Flickr / July 17, 2019 / CC BY 2.0 / The liberals’ attempt to remove the filibuster was shut down by our patriot leaders. The hearing ended with a 52-48 vote.  The filibuster is a useful political tool that the parties will enact when they want to block a bill from passing or approve another. Democrat senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema joined 50 Republicans in the battle to defend the filibuster… Manchin shared his thoughts about the dems agenda to get rid of the…

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Why is Biden Even President?

IMG_7326 / Matt Johnson / Flickr / July 17, 2019 / CC BY 2.0 / After Biden’s first year in the White House, many Republicans and straight Democrats aren’t happy with his performance as president.  Quentin Wathum-Ocama, president of the Young Democrats of America, is disappointed with Biden’s poor leadership. He said, “People are feeling like they’re getting less than they bargained for when they put Biden in office. There are a lot of emotions, and none of them are good. I don’t know if the right word is ‘apoplectic’…

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Progressive Dems Continue Their Crusade To Rig The Midterms

 Photo by Eric Haynes/Creative Commons The two most controversial voting bills up for debate by the Senate currently are the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and the Freedom to Vote Act, which was approved by the House and since haven’t gotten the passing votes they need to move forward. NY Republican representative Claudia Tenney is bewildered by the dems’ push for a Senate vote on this new voting legislation.  “The Democrats are just doing all of this because their policies are failing,” Tenney said on “National Report.” “People realize…

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Harris Plays the Race and Gender Card

Kamala Harris / Gage Skidmore / Flickr / April 27, 2019 / CC BY-SA 2.0 / Harris has always been terrible with her job as vice president of the United States. Even the mainstream media aren’t covering up for her failures anymore. We’ve seen her: Waste $25 million in federal funds to implement liberal voting restrictions Ignore the border crisis for so long, making it uncontrollable Defend the cruel “three-strikes law” which is considered a minor felony Now, the demo-rat blames her race and gender for her negative media coverage. …

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