Jeff Bezos Sued by Ex-Housekeeper for Discrimination

Jeff Bezos doesn’t value his workers. He doesn’t care about their welfare or their happiness. All he cares about is making more money. He’s a heartless businessman who only cares about himself. No wonder a union was formed a few months ago. Now, one of his ex-housekeepers is suing him. Ex-Housekeeper Sues Bezos for Discrimination A former housekeeper of Jeff Bezos has filed a lawsuit against him. It alleges racial discrimination, retaliation, and poor working conditions. Mercedes Wedaa filed the suit against Bezos. As well as two limited liability companies…

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Conservatives Increase Their Followers on Twitter Because of Musk’s Acquisition

Elon Musk has officially purchased Twitter, despite the dems’ opposition. Musk plans on using the platform to promote free speech… which could result in some big changes for the site.  This news surprises many, but it will be interesting to see what Musk does with his new purchase. Elon Musk Officially Owns Twitter Elon Musk took control of Twitter and fired its top executives. This puts one of the leading platforms for global discourse in the hands of the world’s richest man. It was reported that Musk fired the following…

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Dems Determined to Stop Elon Musk from Buying Twitter

The freedom that matters is the freedom to speak your mind. That’s the most basic and essential pillar of all freedom.  We are no longer fully human if our ability to choose our own words is taken away. Authoritarians understand this. That’s why they hate freedom of speech. With words and the right resources, anyone can change the world… Elon Musk understands this too. That’s why he’s trying to buy Twitter, not because he needs the company.  Musk is doing this to give voice to people who have no voice.…

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Facebook Promoting Racial Violence and Blocking an Ad for Hurricane Ian Victims

Facebook continues its move on manipulating and censoring certain content. This includes blocking specific topics and pages from being discussed or shared. Some people are outraged by this censorship, calling it a violation of free speech. Others believe it is necessary to keep the platform safe and clean. Either way, it looks like Facebook is not changing its protocols soon. So we will have to continue to deal with the censored content on the site. Facebook Algorithms Promoted Racial Violence Against Rohingya A report from Amnesty International said that Facebook…

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Amazon Sued for Discrimination. Do You Still Trust Them?

Conservatives continue to lose trust in Amazon. Some say that the company is biased against them. Others believe that Amazon is secretly working with the liberals. So far, we’ve seen how Amazon: Bought a primary healthcare company to get access to patient data Invaded customer privacy with Amazon Sidewalk Put customer’s households in danger with Amazon Key Now, there are issues about Amazon being involved in racial discrimination. There is also news that the Big Tech company is manipulating its views and comments on Amazon Prime. There is no doubt…

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