Jeff Bezos Sued by Ex-Housekeeper for Discrimination

Jeff Bezos doesn’t value his workers. He doesn’t care about their welfare or their happiness.

All he cares about is making more money. He’s a heartless businessman who only cares about himself.

No wonder a union was formed a few months ago. Now, one of his ex-housekeepers is suing him.

Ex-Housekeeper Sues Bezos for Discrimination

A former housekeeper of Jeff Bezos has filed a lawsuit against him. It alleges racial discrimination, retaliation, and poor working conditions.

Mercedes Wedaa filed the suit against Bezos. As well as two limited liability companies called Zefram LLC and Northwestern LLC.

The suit claims that the housekeepers were not provided with a:

  • Designated break room
  • Rest and meal breaks
  • Reasonably accessible bathroom while working long days

“Because there was no readily accessible bathroom, Plaintiff and other housekeepers spend large parts of their day… unable to use the toilet even though they needed to,” the complaint says. “As a result, the housekeepers frequently developed Urinary Tract Infections.”

It also alleges that certain managers treated Hispanic housekeepers differently than white workers. Moreover, they faced retaliation for raising concerns about issues and being wrongfully terminated.

According to the lawsuit, Zefram hired Wedaa in September 2019 as “house coordinator.” She was initially the only housekeeper on staff. Another housekeeper was added about a year later. By late last year, Wedaa was the lead housekeeper, supervising a handful of others.

Wedaa contends in the lawsuit that she sometimes worked up to 14 hours a day… but was never told she was entitled to rest breaks. She also says that they sometimes ate meals in a laundry room.

Bezos’ team believes that Wedaa is not overworked and is paid fairly…

Harry Korrel, the attorney defending Bezos, told Fox that Weeda made over six figures annually. He said, “She was responsible for her break and meal times. There were several bathrooms and breakrooms available to her and other staff. The evidence will show that Ms. Wedaa was terminated for performance reasons. She initially demanded over $9M, and when the company refused, she decided to file this suit.”

He added,” Given their backgrounds, the suggestion that Mr. Bezos, Ms. Sanchez, or Northwestern LLC discriminated against Ms. Wedaa based on her race or origin is absurd.”

Meanwhile, Wedaa’s team objects to Korrel’s statements. Her attorney, Patrick McGuigan, said to Fox that Wedaa has been working hard all her life and has compelling evidence to support her claims.

McGuigan said, “No employer is above the law. Not even Jeff Bezos and the organizations he uses to locate and hire people… to work for him at his home and at his other properties.”

Then he added, “Federal and state labor and employment laws dictate that employees must be paid for their work. [They should] be able to perform their work in a discrimination-free, safe, sanitary, and healthy workplace. These laws must be adhered to by all employers.”

From the looks of it, the Big Tech company does not just ignore the safety of its users. It also takes for granted the welfare of its workers.

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