Former Amazon Employee Successfully Established Union

Big Tech companies have already proven that they don’t deserve our trust. We’ve seen them censor our conservative opinion, invade our privacy, and disregard our safety.

Last year, Amazon took away its customer’s privacy with the “Amazon Sidewalk.” The Big Tech company used this technology to allow strangers to connect to customers’ networked devices and risk their sensitive data. 

After some time, the tech giant introduced the “Amazon Key.” It allows authorized shippers to open a customer’s home apartment. This feature from Amazon only puts its customers at a higher risk for crime.

Amazon continues its unfair practices not just to customers… but also to its employees.

The Big Tech company may have successfully avoided unions since it was founded in 1994. But history has been re-written this April.

Amazon workers on Staten Island voted to unionize the tech giant…

Workers part of the Amazon Labor Union (ALU) cast 2,654 votes. This amounts to 55% of the voters in favor of the union – enough support to pull off a historic victory.

ALU President Christian Small talked about the big break he and his team achieved. He shared his thoughts during an interview on CNBC.

His journey to unionize the tech giant started when he felt that the company was taking its employees for granted. Small said, “Amazon failed to protect us. We had no PPE, no facial mask, no cleaning supplies, no real guidance, and no social distancing. I tried to go through private channels. But the company neglected to hear us out. They terminated me two hours later.”

After he became unemployed, Small became more driven to fight for workers’ rights. He added, “From that moment, I traveled the country advocating for workers’ rights. I didn’t give up. Especially after Jeff Bezos himself signed on a campaign calling me ‘not smart or articulate’ to make me the face of the unionized laborer.”

Despite the opposition, Small knew that they had a chance of victory because he won the hearts of Amazon workers. He said, “We know our co-workers. We know the ins and outs of the company… even better than the company knows its own workers. So I felt with no doubt that we were going to be victorious, and we proved that on April 1st.”

Small also mentioned that the ALU is expected to grow across the nation. He said, “The revolution is here. We were going to organize buildings all across the nation. We’ve been contacted by workers worldwide. So they want to unionize… [and] we’re going to actually help them. We’re going to get it down here in New York first. We want to spread across the nation once we’ve finished here in New York.”

We’re witnessing a common man – like Christian Small – doing more than elected dem officials. He may be one of the most important figures of this century in the US labor movement…

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