Rep. Tenney Introduces Resolution to Protect Social Security and Medicare

Our Republican leaders are trying to protect Social Security. They don’t like how dems supported the American Rescue Plan… because they think it might hurt Medicare and Social Security.  The Republicans made ads attacking six Democrats… who could cause Medicare funding to be cut and Social Security to get worse. They want people to vote for candidates who will keep these programs safe.  Republicans say we need to ensure our leaders are responsible… so that Social Security and Medicare will be there for the next generation.  Rep. Tenney Introduces Resolution…

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Rep. Tenney Creates a Bill that Redirects IRS Funding to Border Security

The borders are becoming increasingly out of control due to the actions of the dems. They do not care about safety or security, only their own political agenda. We need to take back our country and protect our citizens. They’re the ones who are allowing these people into the country illegally. It’s time for them to take responsibility and fix the mess they’ve created. Biden’s Border Crisis is Out of Control The US-Mexico border encounters of unaccompanied migrant children have jumped to 267,000 since Biden took office. Fox News reported,…

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