Biden’s Climate Change Policies Causes Energy Prices to Go Up

Biden continues to destroy America’s national energy. If he continues with his current policies, we’ll have to depend on other countries for our energy in a few years. He’s ruining our economy and destroying thousands of jobs in the process. Gas prices have continued to increase since Biden became president. Some people blame him for the rising costs. Unfortunately, it’s not entirely clear what he should do to bring them. It’s something that’s been bothering many people lately. Biden’s Actions on Climate Change Causes Gas and Electricity Prices to Go…

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Biden Undoing Everything that President Trump Did for America

Trump isn’t satisfied with Biden’s performance as president. The country suffers as a result of the demo-rat’s poor decision-making. American citizens are being neglected while Biden focuses on furthering his political agenda.  Under President Trump, our country made incredible progress. The border’s condition was improving. Our country was energy-independent. However, Biden is undoing all of that right now. He’s reversing Trump’s policies and taking us back many steps. We can’t let him get away with it. Biden is wasting everything that President Trump did during his term. He is dismantling…

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Gas Prices Continue to Worsen

President Trump built everything up so well during his time. After his term ended, America was thrown into chaos. Gas prices are rising, and our economy is in bad shape!   The current administration is leading us to further economic failure. With Joe Biden’s weak leadership, we’re heading towards more inflation. Biden inherited a healthy economy. Our country was energy independent and was exporting a lot. But when he became president, these things quickly disappeared. The administration implemented terrible plans that increased inflation all around us. It is not surprising why…

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Biden’s Leadership Has Caused Inflation to Worsen

The Biden administration’s handling of inflation has been disastrous. Prices are soaring, and the economy is suffering as a result. Inflation rates have continued to climb since Biden took office. Some of its causes are from the current administration, specifically with: Their excessive spending They led us to a food shortage Them taking away our energy independence Prices are spiraling out of control. This is especially difficult for families who are struggling to make ends meet. Things are only going to get harder for working families…. especially if the government…

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President Trump Reacts to Crises Under Biden’s Leadership

Donald Trump / Gage Skidmore / Flickr / October 29, 2016 / CC BY-SA 2.0 President Trump has proven himself worthy to lead America over and over again. Right now, we’re seeing how the Biden administration is failing every citizen. They never do anything right… and always point at someone else to blame for their mistakes. Unlike the demo-rats, Trump has shown what he’s capable of. We’ve seen him: Build the Space Force Achieve the greatest regulation cuts in history Make America energy independent during his term Get Anwar approved…

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