Florida GOP Leaders Defend Citizen’s Gun Rights

Republican leaders in Florida are fighting for the gun rights of their citizens. They believe that people should have access to reliable self-defense measures and the ability to preserve the conservative culture. Florida GOP leaders aim to promote personal safety and security among all residents… while ensuring residents can protect both themselves and those they love. Republicans push forward with unwavering support in a pro-Second Amendment initiative. Florida Bill Could Hand Gun Owners Huge Win The Florida Supreme Court rejected a challenge to the state law, preventing local governments from…

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Facebook Promoting Racial Violence and Blocking an Ad for Hurricane Ian Victims

Facebook continues its move on manipulating and censoring certain content. This includes blocking specific topics and pages from being discussed or shared. Some people are outraged by this censorship, calling it a violation of free speech. Others believe it is necessary to keep the platform safe and clean. Either way, it looks like Facebook is not changing its protocols soon. So we will have to continue to deal with the censored content on the site. Facebook Algorithms Promoted Racial Violence Against Rohingya A report from Amnesty International said that Facebook…

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Parental Rights in Education Law Takes Effect in Florida

A few months ago, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis fought for the Parental Rights in Education Law. This legislation bans schools from giving classroom instruction on “sexual orientation” or “gender identity” from kindergarten to third grade. Its intention is to provide children with a safer environment where they can better establish their identity. To no one’s surprise, the liberals are against this movement. They call this law the “Don’t Say Gay Law.”  DeSantis even fought head-on against Disney to have this law in effect. He exposed the woke leaders in the…

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Gov. Ron DeSantis Continues to Expose Disney

其实已经没力气拍照了 / qin linlin / Flickr / September 13, 2017 / CC BY-ND 2.0 A few months ago, we saw Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis expose the woke CEO of Disney for criticizing the Parental Rights in the Education Bill – which leftist critics call the “Don’t Say Gay Bill.” This bill aims to ban schools from giving classroom instruction on “sexual orientation” or “gender identity” from kindergarten to third grade. Now, the patriot governor continues to face Disney head-on… DeSantis Signed Bill Stripping Disney of Self-Governing Power Last April, the…

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Republicans Unite to Stop Abortion for Good

Abortion kills children / University of Toronto Students for Life / Flickr / November 17, 2009 / CC BY-SA 2.0 Our patriot leaders continue their advocacy to save children’s lives… and give them the future they deserve. Last time, we saw Texas Governor Greg Abbott and other leaders in the state fight for the abortion ban. It prohibits pregnancy termination after six weeks of gestation. They were triumphant over all the objections that stood in their way. Texas is one of the states – along with Mississippi – that were…

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