Epstein’s Pilot Testifies: There Were Never Any Sexual Acts During Flights

Private Jet / Matt Biddulph / Flickr / copyright © 2008 / CC BY-SA 2.0 In the past week, the Ghislaine Maxwell trial has seen 4 witnesses/accusers take to the stand to deliver their tale of what ‘really’ happened during their time involved with Jeffrey Epstein Ghislaine Maxwell.  The first of which was Epstein’s former pilot Larry Visoski – who testified to flying powerful figures such as Bill Clinton and Trump in Epstein’s private jet.  During his first day of testifying, he recounted details of the high-profile passengers he flew,…

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Ghislaine Maxwell Trial: What You Need to Know

Defense lawyer Bobbi Sternheim points toward Ghislaine Maxwell standing beside Jeffrey Pagliuca during a pre-trial hearing on charges of sex trafficking, in a courtroom sketch in New York City, US, November 23, 2021. Reuters The trial has begun for Ghislaine Maxwell, who pleaded not guilty to six counts – one of which being conspiracy for allegedly enticing and transporting minors for the purpose of sex trafficking.  Working as Epstein’s right-hand man and partner in crime, Maxwell helped him collect underage victims for his sex trafficking ring. She was incarcerated over…

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