House Passes Bill to Release Classified COVID-19 Origin Info

Former CDC director Dr. Robert Redfield testified during a House hearing on the origins of COVID-19. He revealed that he was excluded from calls between global health experts. The director argued that Dr. Anthony Fauci acted “antithetical to science” when he rejected the lab leak theory discussion. The committee searches for answers on the pandemic origins. They also assess claims Dr. Fauci was part of a “cover-up.”  Dr. Fauci Covers COVID Origins Meanwhile, Fox & Friends Weekend co-host Will Cain argued that Fauci’s actions surrounding the pandemic origins were “covering…

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McCarthy Wants to Win More Seats for Republicans in the House in 2024

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has been a strong advocate for the Republican Party. He has been actively working to make the House a more welcoming place for conservatives.  As one of the highest-ranking Republicans in the House, McCarthy has taken on the challenge of promoting conservative principles… and ensuring that the Republican agenda is given a fair hearing.  McCarthy to Expand House GOP Majority Republicans in the House of Representatives want to win the 2024 elections to keep their majority. To do this, they need funding to run their campaigns.   …

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Florida GOP Leaders Defend Citizen’s Gun Rights

Republican leaders in Florida are fighting for the gun rights of their citizens. They believe that people should have access to reliable self-defense measures and the ability to preserve the conservative culture. Florida GOP leaders aim to promote personal safety and security among all residents… while ensuring residents can protect both themselves and those they love. Republicans push forward with unwavering support in a pro-Second Amendment initiative. Florida Bill Could Hand Gun Owners Huge Win The Florida Supreme Court rejected a challenge to the state law, preventing local governments from…

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GOP Senators Pressures Biden on Debt Ceiling

The White House refuses to negotiate with Republicans on raising the debt ceiling. The liberals believe it will be more beneficial for the country if they won’t help our patriots. In reality, the left’s decision will only ruin our economy. White House Refuses to Negotiate on the Debt Ceiling Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) eventually brokered a deal. This is where enough Republicans joined Democrats to approve a one-time exemption to the filibuster… on raising the debt ceiling. Moreover, Biden thinks he…

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GOP Creates Bill to Make the Biden Administration Accountable for Inflation

Joe Biden is completely ignoring the fact that he was and still is responsible for inflation. He acts like he has nothing to do with it, and it’s outrageous! Instead, we see him stubbornly refuse to admit his failures. This kind of attitude will cost our nation dearly in the long run.  Biden Uses Inflation as Excuse to Hit GOP on Economy Biden used the most recent inflation report to hit House Republicans on their economic agenda. The consumer price index showed that:  The annual inflation rate fell from 7.1…

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