Republican Leaders Determined to Stop Biden’s Tax Plan with IRS

More taxes? That’s madness! Joe Biden and his dem buddies want to give the IRS more power.  We’ve got to stop them! Republican leaders are working hard to put a stop to this foolishness. Patriot Leaders Want to Defund Biden’s $80 Billion Project with IRS Rep. Adrian Smith and Rep. Michelle Steel are determined to defund Biden’s $80 billion IRS undertaking. They believe that getting Americans on a path to prosperity means having the government work for the people… not against them. The two conservatives are working together to defund…

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Rep. Tenney Creates a Bill that Redirects IRS Funding to Border Security

The borders are becoming increasingly out of control due to the actions of the dems. They do not care about safety or security, only their own political agenda. We need to take back our country and protect our citizens. They’re the ones who are allowing these people into the country illegally. It’s time for them to take responsibility and fix the mess they’ve created. Biden’s Border Crisis is Out of Control The US-Mexico border encounters of unaccompanied migrant children have jumped to 267,000 since Biden took office. Fox News reported,…

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Biden Hires 87,000 IRS Agents After Passing Inflation Reduction Act

Biden continues to make inflation worse in America. He is determined to ruin our economy with his irrational decisions. We cannot allow him to continue on this destructive path. We must stand up to him and fight for the future of our country. So far, we’ve seen the administration: Lead us to food and baby formula shortages Steal our energy independence Spend 1.5 trillion on unnecessary domestic programs Waste government funds for mass testing and millions of vaccines We all know that his Inflation Reduction Act will only do the…

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