Why the Decline of US Meat Packers Threatens Our National Security

The US has long been a leader in the global meat packing industry. American meat packing plants were some of the most efficient in the world. However, since Biden took over, we have seen a decline in the number of US meat packers. Let’s not forget how the demo-rat led us to food shortages and inflation. This crisis now threatens our national security in a way we have never seen before. This is a direct result of the failed policies of the Biden administration. Having Fewer Meat Packers Threaten Our…

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Biden’s Ocean Shipping Bill Won’t Be Enough to Stop Inflation

This June, Biden signed an ocean shipping bill to reduce export backlogs.  The administration is failing to address the real issues facing our country… and is pushing through legislation that will cover for their mistakes. When in fact, the real causes of the inflation are: The administration’s unnecessary spending packages worth trillions of dollars Biden removing America’s energy independence The liberals leading us to food shortages Overspending on Covid mass testing and vaccines Just when you think Biden can’t get any more incompetent, he goes and proves us wrong again.…

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Biden’s $1B For The Meat Industry Is No More Than A Failed PR Attempt

Biden has now decided to blame major industries for America’s massive inflation problem… The White House announced last week that they plan to spend $1 billion of the American Rescue Plan Act funds on independent meat and poultry producers, to promote competition in the industry and less monopolization of the market by the big meat processors.  Meat and poultry prices have been up 12.8% over the last year, and Biden hopes that increasing the competition will lower these costs for American families. What’s even more surprising (or maybe it’s not)…

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