Catholic Church Opposes Dems for Supporting Abortion

The liberals are still pushing for their pro-choice agenda on abortion. However, the conservatives are not backing down on their anti-abortion stance.  Moreover, Catholic and anti-abortion groups are also furious with the dems for supporting abortion. They believe that by supporting abortion… the liberals are okay with killing millions of innocent unborn children.  The church has always supported the sanctity of human life. They see the democratic party’s stance on abortion as a direct attack on their values. Pelosi Pressed on Abortion Rights House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is an avid…

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Pelosi’s Latest Gun Control Push Will Do More Harm Than Good

It’s been over three weeks since the horrific shooting incident in Uvalde, Texas. During the event, 19 students and 2 teachers died.  This tragedy is, unfortunately, the deadliest in Texas history. As Americans, we’re devastated by this senseless act of violence. We fully support the victims and their families during this difficult time.  However, the dems are using the recent shooting incident to restrict gun laws. They have been pushing for more strict firearm restrictions and they are using this event to push their political agenda What they’re doing is…

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New WH Press Secretary Not Doing Well in the First Month

The White House has become more corrupt in the past few years because Nancy Pelosi kept manipulating the facts with her lies. We’ve seen her: Use the stock market’s confidential information for her own benefit Use Covid-19 as an excuse so she wouldn’t be pressed about Hunter Biden’s laptop Call the Republicans a “cult” during a visit to England Force vaccine and mask mandates for Americans Pelosi stepped down as White House Press Secretary last month. Unfortunately, the person who replaced her is just as bad as she was. There’s…

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Kevin McCarthy Says GOP Will Win the House in 2022

The Biden administration continues to cause suffering for the American people due to their incompetence. We’ve seen them: Spend trillions of dollars on their politically motivated programs Strangle us with their mask and vaccine mandates Weaken our cyber defense security Make the situation at the border worse than ever Work with Big Tech to censor conservative opinion Blame Putin, the meat industry, and the supply chain for their failures Many of our patriot leaders have expressed their disbelief to the administration… including President Trump. This April, more of our leaders…

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