US Oil Industry Slams Biden for Ruining the Energy Industry

The energy crisis is continuing to get worse under Joe Biden. We need a leader who understands the importance of energy independence and will take the necessary steps to solve this crisis. Fuel prices are through the roof, and there’s no end. Biden said he would alleviate the energy crisis, but there has not been any positive change since he took office. We can’t afford to keep going down this path. OPEC Announces Oil Cuts In March, Biden promised to release 1 million barrels of oil daily. This is to…

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President Trump is Making America Great Again in May

Donald Trump / Gage Skidmore / Flickr / October 29,2016 / CC BY-SA 2.0 The Biden administration has been a failure on every level. From their policies to the way they handle things, this team is just not fit for office. America needs someone who will work hard with integrity! On the other hand, President Trump stays active in his mission of making America great again. He continues to show that he is worthy of leading the country. He is a strong leader who is always looking out for the…

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Russian Ruble Worthless, Oil Reaches $139 a Barrel amid Ukraine Conflict

War in Ukraine is beginning to have some trickle-down effects on surrounding countries. After sanctions and bans were placed on Russia, the rest of the world began to see a massive boom in oil prices, and the stock market in Russia saw a massive collapse.  The price of oil reached $105.18 a barrel early last week, that’s almost a 10% increase.  And now, Brent Crude oil has reached a high of $139.13 per barrel during the early minutes of trading Monday morning. This is the highest it’s reached since July…

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