Finland and Sweden Decide to Join NATO, But Turkey Objects

Despite being suspended by the UN, Russia continues to go on the offensive. They don’t seem to have a plan to go back down yet. We’ve seen: Residents moving away from Ukraine Russia attacking areas such as Kyiv and Eastern Ukraine The rapid increase in oil prices Ukraine’s death toll rises every day Russia exhausting their resources The current conflict triggered NATO (The North Atlantic Treaty Organization) to strengthen its forces. Now, Finland and Sweden are seeking to join the alliance amid the Russia and Ukraine war. Can this pact…

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The Russia-Ukraine War is a Tragedy for Both Sides

Russia Ukraine War / manhhai / Flickr / April 5, 2022 / CC BY 2.0 The conflict between Russia and Ukraine risks people’s lives and hurts the economy. Hundreds and thousands of refugees have fled from Ukraine since Russia’s invasion. Children and the elderly are especially vulnerable in this situation. Meanwhile, Russia seems to be growing tired of the war. From appearances, the country has exhausted most of its resources, especially when it attacked Eastern Ukraine. Their actions also led them to be suspended from the UN Human Rights Council.…

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Biden Continues to Fail Ukraine

Despite the war between Russia and Ukraine, our country remains to be powerless… and unable to help our allied country. One big reason is that Joe Biden is the person leading our country. So far, we’ve seen: America became energy-dependent, and gas prices went up Biden blamed Putin for the inflation he caused Biden returned the nuclear deal in Iran that Obama started President Trump reacted to Biden’s leadership during the crisis The administration lead America to a food shortage Biden prioritized politicizing the health industry over other urgent matters…

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Russia Suspended from the UN, Then Attacks Eastern Ukraine

Russian tank T36 / Ruský tank T36 / Martin Hefner / Flickr / April 10, 2011 / CC BY 2.0 The war in Ukraine has continued for two months and a lot has happened. We’ve seen people losing their lives, fleeing from their homes, and feeling inflation. This April, the United Nations voted to kick Russia off the UN Human Rights Council because of their actions. Russia Suspended from the UN Human Rights Council These votes are designed to pressure Russian President Vladimir Putin… since he didn’t show any signs…

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Kevin McCarthy Says GOP Will Win the House in 2022

The Biden administration continues to cause suffering for the American people due to their incompetence. We’ve seen them: Spend trillions of dollars on their politically motivated programs Strangle us with their mask and vaccine mandates Weaken our cyber defense security Make the situation at the border worse than ever Work with Big Tech to censor conservative opinion Blame Putin, the meat industry, and the supply chain for their failures Many of our patriot leaders have expressed their disbelief to the administration… including President Trump. This April, more of our leaders…

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