Mayorkas Continues to Make the Border Worse

The border crisis is far from over. Under the current administration, migrant crossings are on the rise. Conditions at the border are deteriorating. This administration has failed to address the root causes of the crisis… and they seem content to allow it to continue. The liberals have undone everything that President Trump has done for the border. Alejandro Mayorkas is one of the biggest reasons why our borders are never secure. He’s been in charge as the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security for more than a year… and…

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CBP About to Break the Record for the Most Border Arrest this Year

The border crisis is still not improving. This is because the Biden administration has not appropriately addressed the issue. They have failed to provide adequate funding for border security.  These liberals haven’t implemented effective policies to deal with the influx of migrants. Unfortunately, this has led to a situation where the border crisis is now out of control.  Our Patriot leaders are having a hard time securing the border. The Biden administration has caused too much damage to our borders. Unfortunately, the current president is weak on immigration… and he…

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