Liberals Making Everything Unfair with their Mask Mandates

Close-up of a person’s head covered with face masks / Ivan Radic / Flickr / February 27, 2021 / CC BY 2.0 Ever since Covid-19 started, the dems imposed their forceful mask and vaccine mandates. We all know that the leftists are all using the situation to gain control. We’ve seen how they: Wasted federal funds for mass testing and millions of vaccines Decided to terminate 4,000 deputies for not taking the vaccine Attempted to steal the VA benefits of unvaccinated veterans Risked the livelihoods of healthcare, airline, and Big…

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Are The Dems Using Covid Mandates For Political Power?

MTA Officials Join “Mask Force” Distributing Masks Across Subway and Bus System / Marc A. Hermann / MTA New York City Transit / Flickr / Taken on July 23, 2020 / (CC BY 2.0) While Biden is still avoiding any decisions to lift government COVID-19 mandates, the November midterm elections are looming on the horizon, and the dems are looking for any opportunity to turn them in their favor.  Governors of several dem-led East Coast states have decided to drop almost all their mask mandates – including those in schools.…

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Fauci Hopes FDA Will Authorize Pfizer’s COVID Vaccine for Kids Under 5

The twisted liberals continue to trample on our human rights.  With the pandemic endless cycle of new variants and quarantine, they keep using their forceful vaccine and booster mandates to stay in control. Last year, they required several universities to get college students vaccinated, or else they couldn’t return to campus.  Then they started vaccinating children ages 5-11. These liberals are using the situation as an opportunity to increase the scope of their experiment. Now the FDA wants to authorize the Pfizer vaccine to be approved for children under the…

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Big Pharma Use Omicron as Excuse to Force Another Dose

The Biden Administration has trampled on our human rights time and time again with their vaccine mandates. Even the US Senate was triggered to pass a bill to stop Biden’s vaccine mandates last December.  We’ve seen how the liberals: Attempted to steal the VA benefits of unvaccinated veterans Threatened the employability of healthcare, airline, and Big Tech workers Imposed mandates on children ages 5-11 Required college universities to issue booster mandates on students Forced pregnant women to take the vaccine Made it difficult to go to public places like restaurants,…

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Why is Biden Even President?

IMG_7326 / Matt Johnson / Flickr / July 17, 2019 / CC BY 2.0 / After Biden’s first year in the White House, many Republicans and straight Democrats aren’t happy with his performance as president.  Quentin Wathum-Ocama, president of the Young Democrats of America, is disappointed with Biden’s poor leadership. He said, “People are feeling like they’re getting less than they bargained for when they put Biden in office. There are a lot of emotions, and none of them are good. I don’t know if the right word is ‘apoplectic’…

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