The FBI Intimidates High-Profile Conservatives

The FBI is doing its power play against conservatives. This is so obvious with the recent investigations and arrests of high-profile conservatives. 

It’s a disgrace how our justice system is being used as a tool to target and silence those who hold different political beliefs.

Conservative CEO of MyPillow Seized by FBI

CEO of MyPillow Mike Lindell had an exclusive interview on Newsmax. He talked about the high-pressure intimidation tactics of the FBI.

Lindell was approached by the FBI and said that they would be asking him some questions. The MyPillow CEO said, “The FBI showed me their badges. They wanted to ask me some questions. So this became a scene they opened up. I got to pull through a parking spot by the drive-thru. I don’t know how many FBI agents were there. There were at least four and three cars for sure.“

The FBI asked Lindell about:

  • The January 6 event
  • About his plane – and where he has been going
  • If Lindell met Tina pierce with a clerk in Colorado – whom he met last year
  • If he met the physicist, Dr. Frank

Moreover, the FBI caused a scene with the conservative CEO. Lindell added, “I said, ‘Why don’t you guys come to my house? Why here at random, making a scene in a parking lot? I said I’m a citizen. Why don’t you come and bash my door?’ This was intimidation. They’re coming in there to intimidate people.”

Then the FBI insisted that they would be taking Lindell’s cellphone… without telling their intentions. Lindell added, “The FBI said, ‘Well, we’re not arresting you, but we have to take your cellphone. We have a warrant here for your cellphone.’ I replied, ‘You’re not taking my cellphone. I run all my five companies here. I’d rather you arrest me. You’re not taking my cellphone. I haven’t done anything wrong.’”

Lindell added, “Thousands of my employees rely on this. Everything relies on my cellphone. It’s my computer, and I do everything with it. All my charts, everything I do, my media tracking on my pillow promo code, everything’s on there. It was disgusting, and they wouldn’t even tell me why they’re doing it.”

President Trump Says Melania Felt ‘Violated’ by FBI Raid

President Trump said his wife, Melania, felt violated after the FBI executed a search warrant at their Mar-a-Lago home last month. He said in an interview, “She felt very violated. I mean, this is a terrible thing. They go into her closet, through her dresses, and who knows what else, and it wasn’t left the way they found it.”

He added, “I didn’t walk into mine and say, ‘Oh, this is exactly so nice, the way they put it back.’” 

Our president called the search a “disgrace.” Trump continues to assert that he had done nothing wrong by keeping classified documents at his resort after the end of his presidential term.

The dems are going too far with their power play. They’re even using the FBI to intimidate of most influential conservatives.
However, let’s not forget one thing. There is likely a lot of content on Hunter Biden’s laptop and cellphone. He may have colluded with a foreign adversary… and committed some illegal things. We don’t see him getting cornered in a heartbeat, getting ambushed in an airport, or rolling with hundreds of FBI agents.

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