The Russia-Ukraine War is a Tragedy for Both Sides

Russia Ukraine War / manhhai / Flickr / April 5, 2022 / CC BY 2.0

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine risks people’s lives and hurts the economy.

Hundreds and thousands of refugees have fled from Ukraine since Russia’s invasion. Children and the elderly are especially vulnerable in this situation.

Meanwhile, Russia seems to be growing tired of the war. From appearances, the country has exhausted most of its resources, especially when it attacked Eastern Ukraine. Their actions also led them to be suspended from the UN Human Rights Council.

Both parties are being affected by the war. Unfortunately, the US isn’t able to do much because of the administration we have right now.

More Casualties in Ukraine

The death toll from this war rises every day. Ukrainians either flee their homes or stay put to fight against Russian troops.

The war in Ukraine is detrimental to the civilian population. The number of dead or injured is continually increasing.

As of May, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) has recorded 7,061 civilian casualties from coalition airstrikes since the offensive on February 24th. This is a jump from 6,802 reported over the weekend and represents a more than a 40% increase.

The OHCHR said in their report, “Most of the civilian casualties recorded were caused by the use of explosive weapons with a wide impact area. This includes shelling from heavy artillery and multiple launch rocket systems, and missile and airstrikes.” 

Meanwhile, Ukraine’s Luhansk region is left without electricity or water. Gov. Serhiy Haydai says that repairs are impossible due to the shelling of Russian forces. There are little to no power lines with the possibility to repair.

Russia Exhausts its Resources

On the other hand, Russia is suffering multiple equipment and infrastructure losses. 

British Defence Ministry officials reported that Russia’s Donbas forces had lost momentum. They estimate that Russia lost more than one-third of its ground combat forces. Approximately, around 190,000 personnel.

The ministry wrote in a statement, “Many capabilities cannot be replaced or reconstituted. [They] are likely to continue to hinder Russian operations in Ukraine. Under the current conditions, Russia is unlikely to accelerate its advance rate.” 

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy believes that Russia is becoming bankrupt. He said, “The occupiers still do not want to admit that they are in a dead-end. Their so-called ‘special operation’ has already gone bankrupt. The moment will come when the Ukrainian people will force invaders to recognize reality.”

Recent reports also show that Russian troops are retreating in East Ukraine. The Institute for the Study of War reported that Russia had likely run out of combat-ready reservists. It’s forcing them to integrate troops from private military companies and militias.

Both Russia and Ukraine are suffering because of this chaos. Unfortunately, the US can’t do much… because the Biden administration made our country too weak.

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