TikTok Affects the Mental Health of Children in Schools

TikTok has become an alarming menace to the security of our nation. This means Americans are sharing sensitive data which foreign adversaries could easily access.

Now children’s mental health is also affected by TikTok…

Seattle School District Sues TikTok for Wreaking Mental Health Crisis on Students

Seattle Public School District sued TikTok… as well as other big tech companies… for wreaking a mental health crisis among its student body. The lawsuit alleges that the companies’ algorithms recommended pro-eating disorder content to students. 

It seeks punitive damages and for the tech giants to stop causing a public nuisance. Mental health issues have ballooned from 2009-2019 by 30%.  

The lawsuit said, “Plaintiff is not alleging Defendants are liable for what third-parties have said on Defendants’ platforms…. rather for Defendants’ conduct. Defendants affirmatively recommend and promote harmful content to youth… such as pro-anorexia and eating disorder content.”

TikTok is no different than drinking alcohol. Advertisers and so-called influencers know how to turn on the dopamine of the brain for young people to get what they want… and they don’t care about the morality of it. 

The Government Needs to Act Against TikTok

Senator Marco Rubio and Representatives Mike Gallagher (R-WI) and Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-IL) have introduced a bipartisan bill… that would ban the Chinese app TikTok from operating in the United States. 

TikTok is owned by ByteDance. This company is required to make data available to China’s Communist Party. TikTok is an app that collects data on millions of American children and adults daily.   

According to Fox News, there are two urgent reasons why this action should be taken: 

  • National security concerns around the potential access of the CCP to US user data
  • Mental health issues for children who use the platform… due to aggressive algorithms and content related to sexual or drug activity  

Five states have already banned TikTok from government devices…

Moreover, the House’s chief administrative officer banned TikTok from all mobile devices managed by the body. The move comes ahead of a federal government ban on the app, included in an omnibus package signed by Biden.

The action was taken due to security concerns and the potential for data sharing with China’s government…

Lawmakers also introduced legislation to ban the app nationwide. Meanwhile, individual states have already prohibited employees from having it on their phones.

A spokesperson for TikTok has previously said that any claims of user data being shared are false. They are working with the federal government to improve their policies…  

Remember when Trump tried to get this application banned within the United States due to its direct ties to the Chinese government? Then everyone on the left said that it was a conspiracy theory. It turns out this “conspiracy” theory is correct…

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One Thought to “TikTok Affects the Mental Health of Children in Schools”

  1. […] Tiktok does not only endanger our national security. It also harms the lives of its users. […]

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