Violence Soars Under Biden

As America began to re-open at the beginning of 2021 the country saw a surge in gun violence cases; in fact, the frequency of mass shootings has been unusually high over the course of the year… ever since Joe Biden took control.  

Data has shown that the number of multiple-victim shootings has seen a dramatic increase since march, with a major spike in April.

And it’s only continuing to get worse.

Now it seems like every time you turn on the news there is another shooting case being reported, and the media just can’t keep up with all the stories. 

In a three-month period (March-May), there have been five reported shootings in which four or more people were killed in a public place. 

This includes the shootings at the Colorado supermarket, the FedEx facility in Indianapolis, and at the San Jose rail yard.  

Since January, there have been 160 reported mass shootings; doubling the reported number over the same period last year in 2020.  

During the pandemic, there were no shootings in which multiple people were killed in a public place, so what’s causing this spike in gun violence? 

Associate professor of criminal justice at Penn State University Altoona Lacey Wallace explains how the spikes in gun purchases are not driven by the usual worries. “It’s more COVID-specific things: uncertainty about the future, fear of people from foreign countries, and fear of the economy tanking”.  

In other words, it’s hardly surprising to see how shootings have jumped up since Biden took over… who isn’t worried about the economy now the dems are in charge?

The fact of the matter is that the pandemic instilled a lot of fear into people’s lives, and when it doesn’t feel like the government can help you, you will do whatever you think you need to…

It’s time to take back control, to bring in a government willing and able to support Americans and end economic fear!

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7 Thoughts to “Violence Soars Under Biden”

  1. Trish

    The deep state and puppet regime needs to go. When are Americans going to finally say, no more?! We need law and order on the streets again and no more marxist garbage tearing our Country apart.

  2. Trish

    I continually see comments on many different polls on the internet about how bad Biden is and I totally agree with all of them. He clearly has dementia and should never have been allowed to take the job of President of the United States. The vice President is no better than the President, people seem to know it, it is certainly stated in forms of the media. He has now embarrassed the entire country with his visit to Russia. It is time for mainstream news to start reporting the facts, not produce a bought story by the Democrats. Media treats us like we are lab rats in a maze. Anyone with eyes and ears has to see what Biden is doing to all of us. It is sad that we have become a nation built on bribery rather than honesty. We all hear about racism when in fact, those professing to being harassed are the real people causing the problem. Guess what, there are many black people who are and have been very successful in America for decades if you look for them. George Washington Carver from the 1800’s, many actors including Sidney Poitier, Mya Angelo, Martin Luther King and so many, many more. Bottom line is there are also those called white trash by white people and I know this because I have been called that as a teen because my grandparents and mom came to California from Arkansas during the depression. We got hand me downs for so called do gooders and their daughters went to school to brag how they clothes to the poor girls in school. I am not black, but I have certainly known bigotry. I believe there are many things that can and should change, but blaming on whole race for the troubles of the world is NOT RIGHT. I have friends from all walks of life and feel my life has been enriched for knowing them. The acts of criminals should not always be treated as prejudice. Criminals come in ALL races. George Floyd would be alive today if he not resisted arrest for passing counterfeit money. Did he deserve to die for his crime, NO. But did he have a hand in his fate, CERTAINLY. Why doesn’t main stream media report on all the white people that are killed by police and other races? Maybe there should be a poll on all the statics regarding just what is the number for all races regarding crime. But I didn’t go out and start riots, burn businesses and homes, murder children including one black girl to make a point or purchase four multi million dollar homes for the money I received to make sure the world knows the terror, yes, they are nothing more than terrorists in America and no one seems to want to see them for what they are. Do you really believe white people don’t get shoot and killed by police, do you really believe white children don’t get murdered, that all white people live in castles? I worked all my life and now can barely buy food to last the month. Well, guess what…people of all skin types get murdered every day, children of all colors have horrible things happen to them every day, mothers, fathers, grandparents of all races have bad things happen to them everyday. History shows us what bad things happened in the past and we should have learned from history. Each time a BLM riots, murders, destroys property, they just show me how evil they are in their hearts. Martin Luther King died for his country and his people. He stood for justice and equality and his legacy will live on forever. I think he would be very disappointed in America today. This is a violent world we live in and people die everyday from violence. Guess what, they are not all black but they didn’t deserve to die no matter what the color of their skin, they all still bled red. Just remember…it isn’t just Blacks or Asians that are being killed…for what ever the reason someone takes a life…it happens to all color of skin, all religions, all financial ranges. ALL LIVES MATTER should be the motto, not just black lives matter.

  3. michael phillips

    I’m telling you we the people need to get rid fraudulent Joe Biden Kamala Harris Pulaski Pulaski before this world can get back to even start until you get rid of those people you get rid of his regime and his communist crap we could probably get back to Healing I don’t see no other way out of it you guys can see the other way out of it then let’s do it other than that take him out I don’t care what you do with them or how you do it but they need to go this phone started when Biden started doing his fraudulent crap cuz he had to be president and he wouldn’t make a pimple on a president but he’s damn sure no leader either

  4. John J

    Biden is THE worst thing that ever happened to America

  5. The Angler

    LET US PUT BLAME FOR ALL OF THE RISING CRIMANIAL ACTIVITY! Being a Criminal Justice student and past Law Enforcement Officer I have seen a PLETHORA of MISTAKES being made but the ROOT or COMMON DENOMINATOR of the PROBLEM is very evident, THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY! It starts at the LOCAL LEVEL of enforcing ALL LAWS beginning with TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS to MURDER! IF a PERSON is not punished with a fine for minor infractions and they have a tendency for a desire to act upon a CRIMINAL ACT like ROBBERY or MURDER they will. In many cases the Criminal like a child will push the envelope to see how far they can go without punishment.
    So when you have A DEMOCRATIC LOCAL GOVERNMENT that allows for LAWS to be BROKEN and not punishment the CRIMINAL ACT BECOMES MORE SEVERE!
    This leads to OUR-OF-CONTROL CRIME SPREES and currently THE SECOND TIER of protection our FEDERAL GOVERNMENT is as corrupt as the CRIMINAL. The current President has denied POLITICAL PRISONERS DUE PROCESS which is GUARANTEED in our U.S. Constitution. This President has defied COURT ORDERS for his UNCONSTITUTIONAL MANDATES. This President has destroyed our ECONOMY. This President has defied our IMMIGRATION LAWS by allowing over 2 million INVADERS to CROSS OUR SOUTHERN BORDERS.
    One rule is that everything trickles down from the TOP and right now my opinion is that we have NO EFFECTIVE APPLICATION of BASIC LAWS on the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT LEVEL so the LOCAL GOVERNMENT do not apply the LAW in their communities!
    ALL OF THIS in my opinion is a push for GLOBALISM that is supported by folks like BILL GATES and GEORGE SOROS.

  6. Old wolf

    With all the violent going on cause of robbery , one would think the criminals would start to pick the rich democrats who keep stealing our tax dollars . One hopes when they figure this out , they give a exter kick when their down for all of us who got ripped off by the delusional democrats .

  7. Dita

    Biden hasn’t the backbone to be president of America. Kamala is a disgrace to our country.

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