Epstein Guards Lie Again

The infrastructure of our prison system/correctional facilities has collapsed over the last decade, after constant attacks from dems on the system.

Thanks to their changes, a major lack of staffing and proper management has allowed corruption to run riot in these facilities, leading to horrific results, like the alleged suicide of sex-trafficking pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

If you’re one of the tiny number of people who buy the official story, Epstein took his own life in an unprecedented way, miraculously choosing a time when no guards were patrolling, when one of the cameras recording his cell was broken, and when the other camera wasn’t saving any recordings.

In other words, everything went wrong… every single person involved did the wrong thing, then tried to cover it up.

Now, it looks like they’re not even getting in trouble for their lies. 

Prison guards Tova Noel and Michael Thomas were put on trial for their misconduct, but in a disgraceful decision, they’ve just managed to avoid serious jail time through a deferred prosecution agreement.  

As part of their deal, Noel and Thomas agreed to 100 hours of community service and supervised release. Not bad for covering up the truth behind the ‘suicide’ of one of the world’s most wanted men. 

Noel and Thomas willingly admitted to falsifying paperwork that certified that they conducted the required rounds and inmate headcounts during their shift, hours before Epstein was found dead in his cell.  

Instead, these guards were doing anything but their actual jobs.  

It was stated on record that instead of performing their duties and patrolling, they were online shopping, walking around the unit’s common area, and even sleeping for a period of two hours… on the job.  

After revealing that all the paperwork was falsely completed, there wasn’t much of an uproar; because it’s not actually that surprising.

Since Obama’s devastation of the system, falsifying documents has become a very common thing in federal detention centers, jails, and the federal bureau of prisons. 

Tyrone Covington – President of the American Federation of Government Employees (Local 3148) – said that “there are some decisions sometimes you have to make that are not just following through with the policy. The manpower doesn’t allow you to do it”.  

The fact of the matter is that the federal prison system is not equipped to handle the prisoners being held inside, while being breeding spots for the corruption we see today.

It’s occurrences such as this one that are a major embarrassment to the Federal Bureau of Prisons, who are well aware of their major security and staffing issues.   

It’s the system that’s broken, and instead of taking action to correct it, both the Federal Bureau of Prisons and the Justice Department seem okay with just sweeping these problems under the rug and moving on… perhaps worried about exactly what a full investigation of Epstein’s death would reveal. 

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17 Thoughts to “Epstein Guards Lie Again”

  1. Sputnik V vaccination has begun in Slovakia. The furnishing of the Russian vaccine to the motherland was accompanied seal a governmental spot and led to the abandonment of Prime Preacher Igor Matovich and a rearrangement of the government. As a evolve, the state received the Russian vaccine, in spleen of the reality that neither the European regulator nor the WHO has furthermore approved it.
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  2. Doc Rich

    As a retired federal LEO (Law Enforcement Officer) I saw the lack of staffing and corruption in Federal Detention Center, Long Beach, CA from 1991 until my retirement in 2004….poorly staffed, lack of discipline of offending officers, AFGE Union interference in disciplining wayward officers…..piss poor training of Correction Officers…….

  3. Wyatt Earp

    Put them in a cell! They are to blame for someone else death! Who was the other person missing in this report? Murder is murder! Their days is getting short for their own life!

  4. Paul F Murphy

    Check their bank accounts or their homes and if you follow the money it will lead back to Bill or Hillary or another democrat ,but our FBI ,will NEVER do that being the weaponized democrat tool it is ,SINFUL

  5. Paul F Murphy

    Is Patriotic Right a left wing tool or will you post our posts ,sad to falsify your position as I will unsubscribe from your site

  6. Billy W

    They helped kill him but got off free


    Epstein is not dead! No funeral, wrong body, body switch …get real

  8. Elizabeth Anderson

    Follow the money. It will lead you to hillery who is still protecting bill.

  9. John McDonALD

    Bill had been joined with Epstein for years. Follow the trail of Deaths since the Clintons were in the Governorship in Arkansas, Then as President. From my count there were Five Deaths that were close to the Clintons that could Hurt them. Does The FBI Just let these things go or are they bought o9ff also.

  10. Paul

    Wyatt Earp..you are so correct..if he had lived, its most likely that the Clintons as clients of his sex paradise would be indicted, and their involvement exposed. So very many of the Clinton’s associates ” mysteriously commit suicide” that its not believable anymore.

  11. NavVet

    The system is failing across the board because of the people we have running it. Time for massive change

  12. Robert E. Altee

    Our Justice System, from the very top to the very bottom, is drastically infested with Democrat die-hards. They have all but destroyed our Nation, and will continue their efforts no matter how many people who oppose them are either killed or ruined for life. A large number of our judges are totally corrupt and unforgivably partial to the Democrat Party. The FBI has openly been proven to be dishonest and partial only to the Democrat Party. Far too many elected officials of our local city, state, and Federal Government are totally corrupt, dishonest, and fail to abide by our Constitution. Most of those same individuals have no idea of what their oaths of office require them to do. Those who are aware of their responsibilities they are sworn to uphold, simply ignore them. Voters must THINK before they cast their vote. There was a very well known Governor of a southern state named “Kissing Jim Folsom.” He was also known as “Kissing Jim would kiss a mule’s ass if he thought the mule could vote.” Many of our politicians are the same way today. Our citizens must vote to elect the person they believe can honestly and lawfully perform their official positions. Almost 70 years ago, I wanted to get into politics, get elected, go to Washington, and help my state senator, rid the Senate and Congress of the corruptness and total dishonesty. I was told by Senator Richard B. Russel, a member of the Senate for over 42 years, the following: “Bobby, have you lost your mind, boy? There aint no such thing as an honest politician. All of us are corrupt!” I never forgot his words, and they are true today. So, take the senator’s words for the truth. Use your brain when you vote this November 2022. Think what is best for you and your country; don’t let the news media convince you how to vote and who to vote for. Stop! Listen! and THINK before you vote!

  13. Robert L. Kahlcke

    He was ARKANSIDED,
    However, it’s not over until the fat lady sings and our military will do what’s necessary to preserve and protect the United States of America, be they foreign or DOMESTIC.
    This would include puttng down COMMUNISM in it’s current form.

  14. Alexander Helen Mull

    a horrible person that sexually abuse young girls died… who cares how or why he died……..
    he might have got off on a technical casualty and then got out of jail and started back doing his sexual thing…

  15. Harry

    I am so sick off all these cover up about Jeffrey. This whole “suicide situation” is JUST PLAIN WRONG!!! The TRUTH has to still come out. And let the heads roll, WHOEVER they may be. This Corruptness has got to stop before Our Country is ruined further…

  16. NancyJ

    The comment that Epstein is not dead is the first time that thought has been read by me.
    It makes perfect sense!! Maybe further investigation is called for. There were surely a lot of very rich and powerful people involved. Not just men either!

  17. GEORGE fate Eady


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