Why ‘Russiagate’ Was Never Real

For years, democrats clung onto any number of lies about President Trump… 

And probably the biggest of them was ‘Russiagate’, the absurd idea that Russian interference helped win the Presidency for Trump.

The thing is, just about everything the mainstream media told you about Russiagate was a complete lie… Here’s the facts. 

If you ever listened to the mainstream media when President Trump was in office, you’d have heard someone repeating the bizarre conspiracy that Trump only won because his friends in Russia “hacked the election”.

It was always a complete lie… but that didn’t stop CNN, MSNBC, Hilary Clinton, whoever, from acting like it was an absolute fact, shouting down anyone who dared to question their story.

The trouble is that the facts just weren’t there. 

The media kept on pointing to one thing over and over: about $2 million that Russia spent on social platforms like Facebook and Twitter. 

Sounds like a big number, right?

Sure – for the average person. In the context of an election, it’s less than nothing. 

Clinton’s failed campaign alone spent $1.2 BILLION on the election. If the media bothered to tell you that, the story would look very different. 

What kind of person would actually believe that you could beat a billion-dollar campaign for 2 million dollars? 

It just doesn’t work like that. Never has, never will. 

That’s not even the full story. 

When you start to look into what that $2 million was spent on, the dem claim gets even more stupid. 

If you trusted the media, you’d think that all the ads were designed to promote Trump’s run for the presidency. 

No chance. From pro-dem posts to news pieces, jokes and ads against both Trump and Clinton, the social posts covered just about every part of the political spectrum. 

Of course, the media focused on the pro-Trump part of everything… because if they’d bothered to tell the truth, it would be shockingly obvious how false their whole story was. 

The fact is, Trump won fair and square, no questions asked… end of story.  

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9 Thoughts to “Why ‘Russiagate’ Was Never Real”

  1. Klaus Christoph

    Of course Trump won fair and square, both in 2016 and 2020.

  2. Sandra

    It’s amazing how folks get taken in by all the lies. But liars usually fall into their own trap. They lie so much that they can no longer recognise the truth. That day is near when the liars get caught up in their own lies.



  4. Dina Boyd

    There was election fraud then but they didn’t keep a count. They thought Hillary would win & I would have loved to see her face when she new she lost.
    Something went very, very wrong when Biden was sworn in.!should never have happened. President Trump deserved his last 4 years & we’re all still sick & mad about it.Maybe this will open the liberals lies. Surely the Independant.
    President Trump opened up the world stage for all to see. That this is a caring president of all & made America 1st again. If people didn’t see that their just stupid.
    Maybe this intruder is their for all the world to see what’s been going on when they have been infiltrating America for 60-100 years planning this under the radar as much as they could.
    Biden, Hunter, Both Clinton’s , Soros, Judges, FBI, DOJ…,, K Harris should serve time for all kinds of stuff. And the boarder, 1 million waiting legally & what does Biden do? Gives our boarder to the drug cartels to control. Young girls gang raped daily & young boys taken to work for the cartels, massive overcrowding, declared a national crises. What does the Biden admin. do? NOTHING. They should be charged with crimes against humanity.
    I really would like to hear AOC when she said “these are children” acting all innocent .
    I want to hear & see her if someone would ask her about those little girls loosing their voice & parents giving them blue abortion pills because they new it would happen. Somebody please get her response on camera..

  5. Dina Boyd

    P.S., This woke corporations have been demanding them to say what they want.
    For decades the Dems have come together on public stocks they own. The corporations that give stock holders voting rights, use that power& vote.
    They also call, email, protest…

  6. Randolph Chin_Quee

    No one that had half a brain believed anything the main streem media said at least i did not nor did i listen to the lies and false stories that they told not even the crooks. Believed anything that they said. But one person knows every thing and when he asks them about their lies they will have to account about their lies and more than likely be going to hell with Satan for all eternity, if you have not guessed who i am referring to he is our Lord and father God. Repent your sins.

  7. Don Colombel

    Every one involved in the corruption of all elections should be sentenced to the fullest extent of the law.

    Guantanamo Bay was on the chopping block. Now we will brobly need to add on to it to put the SWAMP CREATURES in it. And NEVER ALLOW THEM BACK INTO MAIN LAND USA.

  8. Pat Dyer

    Russiagate always was a lie driven by DemoRats, Hillary Clinton (Never a 1st Lady / Never a President) and her disgusting followers.

  9. carol exposito

    Dirty Democrats and their dirty tricks have woken the sleepy Americans. They will pay a steep price.

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