Why Trump Condemned McConnell

Do you trust Mitch McConnell to do the right thing for America?

President Trump doesn’t.

Just days ago, Trump explained exactly why Mitch McConnell is leading the Republican Party into chaos…

As the current senate minority leader, Mitch McConnell is one of the single most important figures in the modern Republican party…

So why is he so against everything that Donald Trump, by far the most successful Republican in recent memory, stands for?

President Trump has had to deal with 4 years of betrayal from people like McConnell. people who should have the party’s best interests at heart…

And now he’s fighting back. 

In a powerful attack against McConnell and his loyalists, President Trump released a statement explaining exactly how McConnell’s incompetence led to the dems taking office.

As a start, Trump laid out exactly what the problem is, and what needs to be done: ‘The Republican Party can never again be respected or strong with political “leaders” like Sen. Mitch McConnell at its helm’…

McConnell needs to step down, or to be voted out as soon as possible if he refuses to do the right thing. 

Trump went on to explain how McConnell cost the party control of the senate…

And the story should sound very familiar. 

As you know, President Trump was desperate to get every American citizen a $2,000 check… to take direct action to help the millions of Americans left with nowhere to go thanks to the pandemic.

While the dem advertisers jumped on board that offer as soon as they could (and then completely failed to deliver it), ‘McConnell matched the Democrat offer of $2,000 stimulus checks with $600’.

Like Trump points out, ‘How does that work? It became the Democrats’ principal advertisement, and a big winner for them it was’.

There’s no other way it could have gone. When McConnell decided to do everything he could to stop ordinary Americans from getting the help they need, he sealed the fate of the Republican party in 2020.

In fact, Trump explained just how much he regretted ever canvassing for McConnell, making it clear that even a democrat could do less harm than McConnell. 

Near the end of his letter, President Trump made his future plans clearer than ever…

‘Where necessary and appropriate, I will back primary rivals who espouse Making America Great Again and our policy of America First’.

In other words, people like Mitch McConnell shouldn’t be looking forward to the future, with 2022 looking set to mark a real change for the party.

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3 Thoughts to “Why Trump Condemned McConnell”

  1. Charles Thomas

    I’m so sick of the traditional Republican party. They are just as bad as the Dems and most seem to just be career politicians who’s #1 priority is getting re-elected. They are a bunch of RINOs and I’m done supporting them.

  2. david acuna

    I had supported the senate and house republican committees and no longer will send money until McConnel is gone, removed whatever just not in a leadership position. That goes for all the other RINOS like Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney.

  3. […] Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is about to become the longest-serving Senate party leader in […]

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