Why Are The Dems Pushing Neera Tanden?

Given that the dems spent the last 4 years whining about President Trump’s tweets, you might expect them to show at least a little honesty…

Instead, they’re desperately pushing an appointee infamous for using her position to abuse anyone who criticized her… and more.

Find out more about why Biden’s team is so set on appointing Neera Tanden to office, and why they need to be stopped.

Over a month in, it’s becoming very obvious that Joe Biden and team are unwilling to fight for anything that might make a difference for average Americans, but will battle tooth and nail to get their way for anything benefitting their allies.

Case in point, Neera Tanden, Biden’s handpicked appointee for the Office of Management and Budget. 

Up until Biden started pushing Tanden for the appointment, she was best known for her vicious tweets, heaping abuse on anyone who dared to criticize her, right or left.

Turns out that doing that isn’t the best way to set yourself up for the future…

With both Republicans and dems refusing to confirm Tanden’s nomination thanks to her abusive tweets, the situation’s becoming more and more embarrassing for the Biden camp day by day…

It’s now practically impossible for Tanden to be nominated… but she’s still refusing to give up, or even apologize for her conduct.

Tanden’s allies want you to believe that there’s some kind of “double standard” at play (despite Biden’s other nominations all being pushed through), that the opposition to Tanden is about her identity, not her actions.

That couldn’t be any further from the truth.

In fact, in one of the most obvious acts of hypocrisy you’ll see, Tanden has actively gone out of her way to ruin people’s lives for their tweets, using her position to force companies to fire employees who speak out against her.

The fact is, turnabout is fair play. Tanden spent years ruining lives for insulting her, and now she’s going to lose her dream job for the way she behaves – karma at work.

Of course, it doesn’t really make much of a difference whether Tanden is appointed or not…

The real problem is how desperate the dems are to appoint her. They’re not fighting to help you… not trying to fix the real problems facing Americans today…

But they’re doing everything they can to help out one of their own.

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One Thought to “Why Are The Dems Pushing Neera Tanden?”

  1. Sonja Moreau

    This country has gone downhill in just 41 days. The puppet in the WH is destroying our country! Where are the crowds of people who supposedly voted for him, oh I get it, they were “ghost votes “!

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